Minutes - 19810317
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19810317
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s <br />C. <br />r <br />i <br />a <br />i <br />the roads would be paved to secondary road standards and publically <br />dedicate rights -of -way with a maintain agreement. Commissioner Willhoit <br />withdrew his motion. <br />Commissioner Whitted moved to approve the preliminary plan of jamasa <br />with planning staff recommendations # 3; # 4 (modified to read a fire <br />hydrant within 500 feet of any building site) and #5, and that the road <br />be private class B road with a maintenance agreement among three property <br />owners affected. Commissioner Barnes seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes, <br />5; noes, 0: <br />Commissioner Whitted asked that the Board consider the question of <br />subdivision administration in Hillsborough's extraterritorial jurisdiction <br />on the April 6th agenda. <br />Agenda Item 12: Consideration of a Proposed Schedule of Fees <br />For Certain Planning, Subdivision, Sedimentation <br />and.-Erosion Control Services. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved to adopt the sedimentation and erosion <br />control services fees; Commissioner_Willhoit seconded the motion.•.Ms. <br />Teresa Hawkins, of the planning staff, responded to Board questioning say - <br />the amount of the fee was not based on the complexity of the building but <br />on the necessity of the Planning Department inspecting it. The Board de- <br />cided on an April 15th implementation date for these fees. <br />Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that $5.00 be adopted for zoning fees. <br />Motion died for lack of a second. <br />Commissioner Whitted moved to ask the Planning Department to return to <br />the Board with a review of the costs incurred and the process required to <br />subdivide a lot as required by the County, excluding the cost of land <br />acquisition; Commissioner Walker seconded the motion. Commissioner Gustaveson <br />said the feeling is that the individual benefitting should pay for the cost <br />of the service. Commissioner Whitted said he thought the cost of deeding <br />a lot to a relative might be excessive. <br />Vote on Commissioner Whitted's - motion. Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />A Agenda Item 13: The Department of Transportation Recommends <br />the Addition of Arboretum Drive to the Sec - <br />ondary Road System. <br />Commissioner Whitted moved to add Arboretum Drive to the Secondary Road <br />
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