Orange County NC Website
"One dwelling unit per five acres and lots of record existing on October 2, 1989 may 6 <br />contain up to, but no more than, five lots with a density of one du/two acres. <br />Contiguous lots of record existing on October 2, 1989 may be combined [As they <br />were for The Lodges at Chapel Hill.]. The number of two-acre lots and the total <br />number of lots in the combined parcel cannot exceed the sum of the number of lots <br />which could be created from each lot of record." <br />The proposed development presently contains two (2) lots. The northern parcel has eleven (11) <br />acres and could yield up to five (5) lots. The thirty-two (32) acre southern parcel could yield up to <br />nine (9) lots. Combining the two lots of record could yield up to fourteen (14) lots. The applicant <br />is proposing only twelve (12) single family lots. <br />General Comments: <br />Section III-D-1-c of the Subdivision Regulations enables the Planning Board to select which <br />category of Concept Plan will apply to the subdivision in review, Flexible Development or <br />Conventional Subdivision. <br />Options. The applicant provided three (3) options for consideration: a flexible design, a <br />conventional subdivision, and a conventional design with open space. The Planning Board <br />selected the conventional design with open space with the condition that there be no direct <br />extension of Booth Road to the north. Conventional subdivision design does not require an <br />open space dedication; however, the applicant voluntarily elected to provide open space at the <br />same ratio as would have been required for a flexible design option. <br />Road Connectivity. As documented in the attached June 2009 Planning Board minutes and the <br />Neighborhood Information meeting, the extension of Booth Road to the north was the main topic <br />of discussion. The physical road extension is not a part of this preliminary plat design. However, <br />a pedestrian link is retained and emergency access is still a possibility. Planning Board approval <br />for the Concept Plan involved eight (8) conditions (listed under the second action). All conditions <br />of approval have been addressed in the preliminary plat. <br />The subdivision access road must cross the floodplain of a tributary stream of East Price Creek. <br />Such a crossing is a permitted activity in both the special flood hazard area and the required <br />stream buffer so long as the crossing is minimal and the base flood elevation is not raised more <br />than one (1) foot in vertical elevation. The applicant will have to submit a "No-rise" analysis to <br />the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program for review and approval and a Floodplain <br />Development Permit from the Orange County Planning Department before any work on the <br />subdivision access road can begin. <br />COUNTY AGENCY REVIEWS: <br />Recreation: <br />Public Recreation Space: <br />• The property is located within the R8 -Chapel Hill District Park (as detailed on the <br />Recreation Service Area Boundaries Map last updated in October 2004). <br />• No physical dedication of recreation space is warranted in this case as neither the <br />County Recreation and Parks Advisory Council nor the Environment and Resource <br />Conservation Department (ERCD) have identified recreation or conservation sites <br />within the subdivision. <br />• The County Recreation and Parks Advisory Council met on February 3, 2010 and <br />voted to concur with the proposed open space and to recommend the County accept a <br />payment in-lieu option in the amount of $5,460 (12 lots times $455 per lot). <br />