Orange County NC Website
Staff Note: The Planning Board reviewed and approved the Concept Plan for this 5 <br />subdivision on June 3, 2009. At that time it was named Alpenglow Trace. <br />Existing Conditions <br />Existing: <br />• Zoning: RB (Rural Buffer) -Two (2) acre minimum lot size (per Section 5.1.2 of the <br />Zoning Ordinance). <br />• The property is located within both the University Lake Protected and University Lake <br />Critical Watershed Overlay Districts. <br />• Maximum impervious surface in both the University Lake Protected and University Lake <br />Critical Watershed Overlay Districts for new residential development is six (6) percent or <br />4,400 square feet per typical lot (per Section 6.23.3 c. 1 of the Zoning Ordinance). <br />• Located in a Rural Designated Area per Growth Management System Map and the Land <br />Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Physical Features: <br />Rolling topography with some weathered bedrock at or near the surface. <br />• Three designated streams -the West Fork of Price Creek and two small tributary streams <br />drain the property. (Note the stream buffers in the Open Space parcels.) <br />• The land slopes generally to the north with a drainage divide along the southern property <br />boundary. <br />• The property is completely forested with upland hardwoods with some scattered conifers. <br />Adjacent Land Use: (Attachment 2) <br />• Property to the east is zoned RB (Rural Buffer) and is forested open space owned by the <br />University of North Carolina. <br />Properties to the south are zoned RB and are part of the Oak Crest platted single-family <br />subdivision with lots averaging 2.28 acres directly abutting the Lodges at Chapel Hill. <br />• Properties to the north are large lot residential parcels averaging over ten (10) acres in <br />area and are zoned RB. <br />• Properties to the west are also large, rural lots with RB zoning. <br />ll...I:.. .. fem.. <br />V~M~~~R~~VV vv~~• a~..vv <br />Item ..v• <br />Pro osed <br />Re uirement <br />Ordinance Citation <br />Minimum Lot Size 87,120 s .feet 87,120 s .feet Section 5.1.2 -- ZO <br />Gross Densit 3.65 acres er lot* 3.13 acres er lot* Section 6.23.2 -- ZO <br />Minimum Lot Width 130 feet 130 feet Section 5.1.2 -- ZO <br />O en S ace Percenta a 33.3 ercent* No o.s. re uirement Section IV-B-10-C.3 -- SR <br />O en S ace Area 14.61 acres 0.6 acres Section IV-B-7-b-2-- SR <br />Maximum Im ervious 6 ercent 6 ercent Section 6.23.3 c. 1. -- ZO <br />Landsca e Buffer Class A 30 feet Class A 30 feet Section IV-B-8-e-3-- SR <br />Use Sin le-famil Res. Sin le-famil Res. Section 4.3 H2 -- ZO <br />ZO refers to the Orange county ~omng t~ramance <br />SR refers to the Orange County Subdivision Regulations <br />* Please refer to the comments below. <br />Density: Within the University Lake Protected and Critical Watershed Overlay Districts, density <br />is determined by (Section 6.23.2), which states: <br />