Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
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Last modified
4/1/2010 3:04:08 PM
Creation date
4/1/2010 3:02:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-06-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
RES-2010-028 Resolution approving The Lodges at Chapel Hill Subdivision Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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Judith Wegner: That is not what 1 said. I would like the rules that we have we put the most stringent requirements to 3 ~ <br />have adequate backups. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: Do we do it on this one? Or the next one? How do we discern how we do it? <br />Judith Wegner: 1 think the fact that this is going over that kind of a water body and how close it is to University Lake <br />Watershed that is quite different from other situations. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: It seems that staff and comments about how eco-sensitive that the County is, I guess I am hearing <br />that notwithstanding that there is a tinge of distrust on your part that those would be inadequate. <br />Judith Wegner: That is not what I would say for the record, what I would say for the record is that in my opinion, to the <br />extent we have the authority, we should go with that authority and make sure there is an adequate backup for the <br />public here. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: What is the distance we are actually talking about? <br />Glenn Bowles: The creek is about 20-25 feet. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: That is a huge creek. <br />Samantha Cabe: The only thing we are making a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners about is a <br />preliminary plat application? <br />Glenn Bowles: Correct. <br />Samantha Cabe: If the developer came back in and made plans for retention pools, that would be in a later planning <br />process? <br />Glenn Bowles: We could work something out with the developer and his agent about how that would work in to a <br />resolution for approval. <br />Samantha Cabe: This is not the last time this will be looked at? <br />Glenn Bowles: By the Planning Board but there will be one more public review. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: Has this already been through the DAC? <br />Glenn Bowles: Development Advisory Committee. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: Erosion Control representative on the DAC has to look at this? <br />Glenn Bowles: Correct. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: It won't go back to them again? <br />Glenn Bowles: No. <br />Craig Benedict: For construction plans, this will go to the Board of County Commissioners and they approve it, they <br />do some final work prior to the recommendations, then when they get into the construction phase, that is where they <br />have four more permit approvals for the Erosion Control and planning. <br />
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