Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
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Last modified
4/1/2010 3:04:08 PM
Creation date
4/1/2010 3:02:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-06-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
RES-2010-028 Resolution approving The Lodges at Chapel Hill Subdivision Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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Earl McKee: Regarding that Booth Road access, unless my memory fails me, I believe our options were taken off the 3 6 <br />table by the developer of the last development on those roads when they drew the easements back. <br />Glenn Bowles: Our attorney weighed in on that as well and his opinion was no extension. It was off the table. <br />Earl McKee: That was my understanding. I would prefer to see it go out Booth Road. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: Given what we have to work with I agree with Mark. We do need to be sensitive to the <br />wetlands. Have we developed the technology to put a road in that is sensitive to the wetland? <br />Samantha Cabe: Orange County has the most extensive protection ordinances to protect our water and wetlands and <br />if a developer is willing to jump through the hoops we have laid out in order to protect it the best we can, I don't see <br />how we can deny them to do that. Any time we disturb a natural land, it will change it. Our planning staff has put <br />together an extensive group of ordinances that protect our water. Our staff will do everything we can to protect the <br />land. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: When we looked at this off Booth Road, there were comments about the steepness. Had the access <br />been through Booth Road and the Twelve houses would have been there, those people would have not gotten out of <br />there. I ride a bike and could not peddle up that hill. <br />Judith Wegner: Do we have any discretion to require performance bond to ensure that not only construction but <br />afterwards that if there's need to do any kind of remediation that the developer would be obligated? <br />Craig Benedict: Our erosion control permits will require all the standards and conditions and fines. <br />Judith Wegner: How do you set the amount? It seems to be a sensitive area, I would like to see that it would be kept <br />for enough time that we know there isn't some kind of adverse effect afterwards that hasn't been taken into account <br />when it's first built. <br />Craig Benedict: We can consider with this project, in some cases we do temporary control measures and maybe we <br />can suggest if you run into apermanent bio-retention facility to keep water qualify that is dumped from this subdivision <br />towards the Price Creek, to convert it to something that has to be maintained for the future by the HOA. That is the <br />tendency we are looking toward. Erosion control measures of the past were more a construction activity:and then you <br />remove them, now we're moving towards permanent water quality basins that can be worked into the project, into the <br />open space. <br />Judith Wegner: Why not it have it be a bond that is publicly enforceable to the homeowners. <br />Craig Benedict: I am not sure exactly how we can do that. For improvements that will be eventually handed over to <br />the public, we can take bonds. We do not have procedures for bonds for private activity. I can see what can be done <br />in this case to ensure the work is done. <br />Glenn Bowles: There will be at least two erosion controls instead of one to handle the flow coming into the creek. We <br />are thinking of coming with Bio-retention, they are low cost and extremely low maintenance. There are some funds <br />Floating around to help with that conversion from a required erosion control pond to transition into a rain garden. <br />Judith Wegner: I would like to make a motion to put a condition on it that something to be done. I think it is a <br />problematic site and I think the developer has been aware of that. I don't think it is a matter affecting the immediate <br />community but it is close to University Lake. <br />Jeffrey Schmitt: It is your contention that the rules in place are not adequate? <br />
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