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Attachment 9 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />FEBRUARY 3, 2010 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Bflan Crawford (Chaff), At-Large, Eno Township; Judith Wegner (Vice-Chair), Bingham Township Representative; Mary <br />Bobbitt-Cooke, Cheek Township Representative; Samantha Cabe, Chapel Hill Township Representative; Peter Hallenbeck, At-Large, Cheeks <br />Township; Earl McKee, Little River Township Representative; Jeffrey Schmitt, Cedar Grove Township Representative; Rachel Hawkins, <br />Hillsborough Township Representative; May Becker, At-Large Chapel Hill Township; Mark Marcoplos, At-Large, Bingham Township; <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Tommy McNeill, Eno Township Representative; Larry Wright, At-Large, Cedar Grove Township <br />$TAFE PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director; Perdita Holtr, Planning Systems Coordinator; Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning <br />Supervisor; Michael Harvey, Zoning Administration; Glenn Bowles, Planner II; Tina Love, Administrative Assistant II; <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Kent Wiles, ownerldeveloper; J.D. Cecil; Vicky Hendel; <br />AGENDA ITEM 7: PRELIMINARY PLAT -THE LODGES AT CHAPEL HILL (FORMERLY ALPENGLOW TRACE) <br />To review and make a recommendation to the BOCC on the Preliminary Plat application for The Lodges at Chapel Hill <br />(Formerly Alpenglow Trace) <br />Presenter: Glenn Bow/es, Plannerlt <br />Glenn Bowles: We are here tonight to review and make recommendation to the BOCC regarding the Lodges at <br />Chapel Hill which you have seen previously as Alpenglow Trace. On page 46 is the application, on page 48 there is a <br />vicinity map, on page is a fiscal impact analysis. Page 53 is the minutes from the June 3, 2009 Planning Board <br />meeting where you approved the concept plan for Alpenglow. Page 63 is the preliminary plat, page 64 is the <br />resolution of approval to go to the BOCC if approved. Page 69 is from the information meeting that took place in April <br />of last year and on page 70 is a memo from ERCD. The subdivision itself is a conventional design with open space <br />and a total of just under 44 acres. There are 12 residential lots on it. It is zoned RB, Rural Buffer, it is in both <br />University Lake Protected and University Lake Critical Watersheds. Roughly 33% of the property will be open space <br />and will be owned by the home owners association. (Reviewed PowerPoint presentation) <br />Glenn Bowles: The twelve parcels range in size from 2.01 acres to 2. 7 acres with an average of 2.1 acres. The <br />overall density is 3.65 units acres per lot with just under 15 acres of open space with represents 33% of the site. At <br />the concept plan there were three options presented one was the flexible plan, one was a conventional plan with dual <br />access both were discarded. The property itself is wooded right now some relatively steep. The steeper areas are all <br />in buffers which are also in the proposed common open space, 85% of that open space is termed conventional. It's <br />protected open space, the steeper slopes and floodplain but there is also a flootlplain involved in the crossing. The <br />applicant, if BOCC approved, will have to apply for a no-rise certificate. They will have to prove to FEMA and the <br />planning department that they will not back waters up due to the construction of the crossing. The recommendations <br />are that you receive the application, that you make recommendations to the BOCC to accept the in lieu of parkland <br />dedication, and also make recommendation of approval of the preliminary plat to the BOCC in accordance with the <br />resolution of approval which is attached and the staff findings. <br />Mark Marcoplos: I am fairly familiar with this land. Where the proposed road is, you see the width of Price Creek and <br />you see the width of the flood plain and it flows under Damascus Church Road and it not that far from University Lake. <br />It is probably one of the most unique eco systems in Orange County. The Cypress Wetlands are amazing. <br />Glenn Bowles: There is also beaver activity here. <br />Mark Marcoplos: It seems like we talked about working with other committees, it seems the Commission of the <br />Environment could have been involved in this. I will reiterate what was in our packet, my comments from the meeting <br />last summer. I am fine houses being built I just think putting a road across the wetland is a bad idea. If is ashamed <br />we could not find a way to have that development connect to the Booth Roatl neighborhood and make the changes <br />that need to be made. I think it is a bad trade off. I would like to encourage people to check the wetland out. <br />35 <br />