Orange County NC Website
33 <br />Attachment 8 <br />ORANGE COUNTX <br />ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMEN'T' <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Glenn Bowles, CurrentP/anner <br />From: Rich Shaw, ERCD Land Conservation Manager <br />Date: January 27, 2010 <br />Subject: The Lodges Subdivision Proposal <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review a Preliminary Plan for "The Lodges" subdivision <br />proposal (formerly "Alpenglow Trace'. The plan (dated December 11, 2009) is to create 12 <br />lots on 43.83 acres located south of Damascus Church Road in Chapel Hill Township. <br />The subject property Is located Immediately west of conservation land owned by the <br />University of North Carolina to protect University-Lake Reservoir. The northeastern <br />portions of the property are within the University Lake PW critical area. The property <br />drains to Price Creek, which flows into the reservoir. A small segment of West Branch Price <br />Creek flows through a narrow strip of the property that links with Damascus Church Road. <br />Two smaller streams originate in the northeastern portion of the site. Both were identified <br />by the Orange County Erosion Control Branch and would be protected by stream buffers. <br />The subject properly is not located within any highly special area of ecological significance, <br />or Natural Heritage Areas, so designated by the State of NC's Natural Heritage Program. <br />The subject properly is, however, within the University Lake Macrositel-a relatively <br />undeveloped area that helps to support the Natural Heritage sites around University Lake <br />(AttachmenC 1). Although the subject property is undeveloped, the forest is largely <br />comprised of Immature volunteer hardwoods, which indicates that the trees were harvested <br />within the last 15-20 years. <br />ERCD submitted previous comments (dated April 8, 2009) on twc alternative Concept Plans <br />for the Alpenglow Trace proposal dated February 2009. Tn those comments, ERCD stated a <br />preference for the alternative that avoided development of a new road crossing over West <br />Branch Price Creek and the associated 100-year floodplain. Evidently that alternative was <br />not feasible and the developer intends to provide access to the residential subdivision from <br />Damascus Church Road. A nevi public road (Lodge Trail) and stream crossing will be <br />constructed consistent with permits that have already been Issued by the US Army Corps of <br />Engineers and the NC Division of Water Quality. <br />The Plan would set aside 14.3 acres of Open Space (32.6%} to accommodate the 100-year <br />floodplaln and required stream buffers, which will also help to protect the Natural Heritage <br />Areas located downstream (University Lake Slopes, Wetlands and Marsh). <br />~ inventory of Natural Areas and Witdi{re Habitatsjor Orange County, North Carolina (Sather et al., 2004) <br />Environment and Resource Conserva6 <br />PO Box 818f / 306-A Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245-2510 <br />