Orange County NC Website
Attachment 7 <br />NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING <br />A/penglow Trace -Subdivision Concept Plan <br />April 13, 2009 Planning & Agricultural Center (Food Lab) <br />In Attendance: Planning Department Staff: Robert Davis, Eddie Kirk, Glenn Bowles <br />Developer: Kenton Wiles <br />Surveyor: Richard Bullock, Steve Yuhasz <br />Citizens: 13 (attendance list attached) <br />Staff explained subdivision process and zoning requirements. <br />Issues raised at the meeting: <br />• Questions about streets and right-of-way in Oak Crest Subdivision being public or private. <br />NCDOT to respond. <br />• Traffic access and traffic creation if road is connected. Cut through for quarry trucks. <br />• Booth Road will be a raceway if roads are connected. Two neighborhoods will be <br />destroyed. <br />• Prefer new subdivision to be left as a cul-de-sac entering off Damascus Church Road. <br />• Do not want streets connected. <br />• Who is going to maintain road? Oak Crest residents do not want NCDOT to maintain road. <br />• Residents in Oak Crest cannot get NCDOT to take over road. <br />• No problem with the proposed subdivision, however, streets should not be connected at <br />this time. <br />• Suggest staff should make recommendation not to connect streets. <br />• Gravel trucks coming through Booth Road and tearing it up. <br />• Speed limit and weight limit on Booth Road if it is connected. <br />• NCDOT not keeping the road up very well in Chatham County portion. <br />s Setbacks from property lines and wells. <br />• How much clearing of lots for building is proposed. <br />• Why is connection necessary when street has been cul-de-sac for 20 years. <br />32 <br />