Orange County NC Website
B. Roads and Access 28 <br />1. The owner/applicant shall, prior to the approval and recording of the Final Plat, <br />construct the public road, including any intersections and alignments) to NCDOT <br />standards for a Residential Collector Road within the area of the platted lots and as a <br />Subdivision Access Road between Damascus Church Road and Open Space Lot B, <br />within afifty- (50) foot right-of-way, with five-(5) foot utility easements on each side, <br />and with NCDOT construction inspection and approval. <br />OR <br />The owner/applicant shall submit a letter of credit or cash bond to secure construction <br />of the above public road improvements to NCDOT standards. The estimate shall be <br />submitted by a certified/licensed engineer, grading contractor or other individual <br />qualified to calculate the cost to complete the improvements according to approved <br />plans and specifications, who has no direct or indirect ownership interest in the <br />subdivision as specified in Section III-E-2 of the Orange County Subdivision <br />Regulations. The financial guarantee shall reflect one hundred ten (110) percent of <br />that construction cost estimate and an accredited financial institution licensed to <br />conduct business in North Carolina shall issue such financial guarantee. The financial <br />guarantee shall be effective for 372 days after the County Manager signed the <br />Certificate of Improvements. <br />The document describing development restrictions to be recorded with the Final Plat <br />shall state that the County shall not release the financial guarantee until NCDOT <br />inspects and approves the road construction and provides written certification of such <br />approval <br />2. The ownedapplicant shall submit to the County Erosion Control Division for review and <br />approval, before any land disturbing activity on the site, an erosion control plan for <br />construction of public roads, private recreation activities, and drainage improvements. <br />3. The owner/applicant shall erect an approved street name sign at the intersection with <br />Damascus Church Road according to the provisions of Section IV-B-3-c-12 of the <br />Orange County Subdivision Regulations before Planning Department signatures on the <br />Final Plat. All street name signs shall be double bladed. <br />4. Before any construction or alteration of any existing access within the Damascus <br />Church Road right-of-way, the owner/applicant shall secure a driveway permit from the <br />NCDOT District Offices. Owner/applicant shall submit a copy of such NCDOT <br />approval permit and letter to the Planning Department at the same time as the request <br />for Planning Department signatures on the Final Plat. The owner/applicant shall <br />perform no work in any public road right-of-ways before issuance of approved NCDOT <br />driveway permits and encroachment agreements. <br />5. Sight triangles, ten (10) feet by seventy (70) feet, shall be shown on the Final Plat at all <br />intersections. The sight distance triangle shall be exclusive of the proposed sign <br />easement. <br />C. Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />1. The owner/applicant shall install or preserve landscaping as indicated on the approved <br />Landscape Plan (open space and pathways plan}, and the Planning Department shall <br />inspect and approve such landscaping before signing the Final Plat. No part of the <br />