Orange County NC Website
~~.s - auto- ©ag <br />RESOLUTION OF THE <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />Date of Meeting: <br />Name of Subdivision: <br />Owners: <br />Applicant: <br />April 6, 2010 <br />The Lodges at Chapel Hill Subdivision <br />Kenton and Natasha Wiles <br />ENT Land Surveys, Inc, Agent <br />Attachment 6 <br />The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves The Lodges at Chapel Hill Preliminary <br />Plat, dated December 11, 2009, last revised on January 2, 2010, containing twelve (12) lots and <br />one (1) public street, Lodge Trail, subject to the fulfillment of requirements specified herein. <br />Before any final plat for The Lodges at Chapel Hill subdivision of any of the tracts shown on the <br />preliminary plat may be recorded the owner/applicant shall comply with the following terms and <br />conditions: <br />A. Sewage Disposal <br />1. Each residential lot shall contain an adequate area for a conventionally sized septic <br />disposal system, and its associated repair area, approved by the County Division of <br />Environmental Health. <br />2. The septic system location may restrict the size and location of improvements. This <br />disclosure shall be included in a document describing developmenf restriction to be <br />recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. The document shall also disclose that <br />information regarding the tentative location of septic systems is available from the County <br />Health Department, Division of Environmental Health. Each lot that does not contain a <br />suitable building site shall be designated both on the Final Plat and by instrument <br />recorded in the Orange County registry as restricted for development potential as set forth <br />in Section IV-B-2 of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. <br />3. The owner/applicant shall not destroy trees that have previously been inventoried and <br />located within the primary tree conservation areas as depicted and described in the <br />Landscape Plan for any reason including to install on-site waste disposal system drain or <br />repair fields. <br />4. No septic system shall be located within a regulated stream buffer. <br />5. The Owners shall include in the restrictive covenants provisions requiring each lot owner <br />to have their septic system serving their lot inspected by a licensee of the North Carolina <br />On-Site Wastewater Contractors and Inspectors Certification Board, who is properly <br />registered to perform such inspections within Orange County, no less than one (1) time in <br />every five (5) year period (unless inspections are required more often by rule or regulation <br />of the Orange County Health Department) and to have the system pumped if <br />recommended by the inspector. Payment for the inspections required under this condition <br />shall be the responsibility of the individual lot owner or the homeowner's association as <br />established by the governing Homeowner's Association declaration. These provisions <br />shall be in a form approved by the County Attorney. <br />27 <br />