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Judith Wegner: You haven't tried to figure out a way to wnnect to that to avoid going through the environmental area? 2 2 <br />Kent Wiles: This is all UNC land. <br />Earl McKee: I am hearing you say that own stub out and the smaller tract, do you own the larger tract or have it under contract? <br />Kent Wiles: Under contract. <br />Earl McKee: I understand all the comments and the problems that some of the other members have as far as the access through the 100 year <br />plains on that stub out. I am not insensitive to that but Brian's comments were true because we have to consider whether the proposed <br />development meets regulations as they exist and I am hearing from staff that they do meet those regulations. My understanding is that this <br />approval doesn't mean this project goes through but progresses to the next step. <br />MoTioN made by Earl McKee to approve Option 3 and recommend that a stub out be included back to Booth Road between lots one and two <br />for possible future use. Seconded by Tommy McNeill. <br />Brian Crawford: Are there any discussions on the motion? <br />Robert Davis: We are removing condition number 9 and doing the basic approval or will you do the conditions? <br />Earl McKee: The conditions except for number 9. <br />Robert Davis: And reword number 8 to a 50-foot right of way stub out between lots one and two shall be provided. <br />Earl McKee: Is 50 or 60 required? <br />Robert Davis: 60 would work but we generally get 50 with two 10-foot easements on either side. <br />Earl McKee: I would suggest 60 just with comments made that 40 years down the road, it may be desirable to interconnect. <br />Mark Marcoplos: If regulations were all we needed to guide us and those regulations pointed to a solution, we would not need a Planning <br />Board, we wouldn't need County Commissioners, all you would have to do is just open the book and read the regulations and the problem <br />would be solved. There is an art to this public process and we are part of an evolution of policies and our personal interpretation of all aspects <br />of the issue is fair input into the process so we need not be concerned that we meet the letter of the regulations. We have our own perspective <br />to bring to it and we can be thinking about of the spirit of the regulations as well. I would urge everybody not to be too bound by what they <br />perceive as the regulations. <br />Mary Bobbin-Cooke: If we send something the Board of County Commissioners for the next step, something is contrary to state law, like you <br />cannot deny the people access to their property, then we just face the consequences that they will override our recommendation. <br />Mark Marcoplos: Sure, that is the beauty of being on the Planning Board. We don't have to make the final decision <br />Brian Crawford: This is just a recommendation. Hypothetically, let's say the conservation easement was, in our opinion, damaging to the <br />health, safety and welfare of the watershed serving the community. I don't know if that is compelling but it is certainly a reason for us to <br />recommend to the Planning Board that we do have concerns about this and if we make that recommendation in the negative, we send to the <br />law with those comments and they are free do and follow the actual of the plan and approve it but that is how the Planning Board felt, that is <br />our recommendation. I agree with your assessment. My only point was to point out what the letter of the law is and have us also wnsider <br />that. Don't feel like your hands are tied by the decision here but consider that in our deliberations. <br />Robert Davis: If the Planning Board recommends denial, you have to state the reasons why. If you don't make a decision tonight, it will go to <br />the next step, which is the Board of County Commissioners. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: Without our recommendation? <br />Robert Davis: With the minutes. Then they will probably give it back to you and ask for recommendations <br />Mary Bobbin-Cooke: The spirit of what you are saying is let's change the law? <br />Mark Marcoplos: No. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: If there are any environmental issues, that we have the freedom to deny landlocked parcels? <br />