Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
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Last modified
4/1/2010 3:04:08 PM
Creation date
4/1/2010 3:02:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-06-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
RES-2010-028 Resolution approving The Lodges at Chapel Hill Subdivision Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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Earl McKee: My comment about tabling this issue is that I really don't see the advantage of tabling this issue. This is the option we are 1 9 <br />presented with. Staff comments that it does meet the requirements. In order to get if officially on the table, I am going to make a motion to <br />accept.... <br />Brian Crawford: Can we hold off until we get comments from all of the Planning Board members, if you wouldn't mind. <br />Earl McKee: I have no problem with that. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: My questions goes back to what staff was saying about putting a dedicated stub in there because in 20 years or 40 <br />years, development and people may said there's a good reason fo have something there but it would be too late to come back to tonight. <br />Help me understand what that would like so that if do recommend this and ask for that stub out I would like the developer to respond to that. <br />The corner lot, number 1, in the first plan..... <br />Robert Davis: Option 3 is basically Option 1 without the Booth Road connection and a different orientation on the road. We considered it <br />when we looked at Option 1. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: Lot number 1 would Zook like that? I wanted to know when you said stub out, what did it look like? <br />Robert Davis: You actually do have stub out all through here. You can do something in a few different places. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: Where do you recommend that it be? <br />Robert Davis: Line up where it actually hits the other one. <br />Brian Crawford: Any other comments. <br />Larry Wright: I would like to follow up on the stub out. If this community is approved and it is built, I think a stub out to Booth Road not <br />necessarily for vehicle traffic but for bicycle and walkway, etc. would be something the two communities may want to engage upon. I think that <br />between lots 1 and 2 would be a logical place for the stub out. Not necessarily for vehicle traffic. I have another Issue that in this subdivision <br />regulation, they talk about sidewalks. One of the things we heard were comments that the roads were dangerous and there is no place to walk <br />but in the road. What are we recommending for sidewalks in this community? <br />Robert Davis: There are no sidewalk recommendations. There are private recreation requirements of potential trails. <br />Larry Wright: In here it talks about accommodations for bicycle sidewalks, etc. <br />Robert Davis: Do you remember Efland Commons where the recommendation came back that residential streets served as a bike type of <br />situation because of the low level of traffic. What we don't have is a trail. We generally look at that at the preliminary and we don't get into the <br />layout of the recreation at concept but there is on this plan a connection to allow you to walk on the road and down through here and this area. <br />Larry Wright: I agree with Mark's comment. I am hesitant to see anything Tike this go across to a critical area to Universality Lake that is so <br />critical to Chapel Hill as a water supply and even if you do have some sort of bridge, we had another economic plan that had a 100 year <br />floodplain and all this winter it was flooded and it was Flooded last year. I feel this access point up here is not environmentally sound; people <br />are going to race up there. There is nothing that controls the speed of these cars and then they up into, is Damascus Church Road a collector <br />road? <br />Robert Davis: That or a major local. <br />Larry Wright: I don't really know where people's residences are there right next to this road. The Lewis family is in opposition and I feel they <br />have justifiable concerns. <br />Robert Davis: This is looking back to the northeast on Damascus Church Road, this is looking southwest on Damascus Church Road. There <br />are four driveways within 200 feet. <br />Larry Wright: If we have three motorcycles in this community at the end of that and they go there all hours of the night, how close will that be <br />to somebody's bedroom. <br />Robert Davis: It is no closer than they are right now to the highway. <br />Larry Wright: I am talking about the adjacent lots where this road comes out right next to private property. It is a long thin road with a lot to the <br />left. Is there a dwelling on that? <br />
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