Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
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Last modified
4/1/2010 3:04:08 PM
Creation date
4/1/2010 3:02:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-06-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
RES-2010-028 Resolution approving The Lodges at Chapel Hill Subdivision Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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way but requires fee simple title. Our recommendation was to build option 2 but the attorney says that cannot be required and cannot be <br />forced as being the access point for the subdivision based on that withdrawal of the dedication of Booth Road. We have no recommendation 1 ~ <br />tonight. The only option you have on the table tonight is this one that was just fled. It was the one Samantha asked to be filed this month. <br />That dedication is gone; there is only one access here. Il is a conventional plan. <br />Tommy McNeill: Did you consult with the fire chief as well, what was their opinion on option 3? <br />Robert Davis: The fire chief, as usually, recommends both connections but I have never had one be turned down based on the fact that it is a <br />cut-de-sac. The Board of County Commissioners has had an informal 15 or 16 lots before you start needing that second entrance. This is <br />twelve. This is the only access they have now. <br />Tommy McNeill: Do we have a time that the fire station could be there? <br />Robert Davis: We have miles. <br />Larry Wright: Where do you get the 15 lots? I am looking at the Orange County Subdivision regulations in Item 4b-3b on page 27 where it <br />talks about lot access to streets, connectivity and it says the requirement of two or more and it is designated in the comprehensive plan and I <br />don't see how this conforms to that. <br />Robert Davis: We had said last time that connectivity was a requirement of the comprehensive plan when we thought we had that connection, <br />we don't have the connection so you would have to make a determination that this plan meets the requirements with what you've just read. <br />Larry Wright: I am asking you how this satisfies the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. That's what I'm asking you. <br />Robert Davis: There is no lot limitation. <br />Larry Wright: That's right and you're talking about 12 and I don't see that here on page 27. <br />Brian Crawford: Does it have any lot limitation? <br />Larry Wright: No, not that I can see. <br />Brian Crawford: If it doesn't have a limitation, what does that imply? <br />Larry Wright: That implies that there should be two or more roads designated within this community. <br />Earl McKee: I am not following your logic. Can you explain it? <br />Larry Wright: No I can't because that is what 1 am asking him to do. . <br />Judith Wegner: I think you are saying there are no exceptions in the rule that says there has to be connectivity, namely two roads. Even if <br />there is some rule of thumb that someone has been using that says they only get strict about that if it is a larger number of lots on the face of it. <br />As you're reading it Larry, you're saying there isn't any exception for less than two accesses? <br />Larry Wright: That is the way I read this. <br />Mark Marcoplos: Connectivity is not a legal requirement but a suggestion. <br />Robert Davis: No. <br />Tommy McNeill: Basically, this is a conventional plan that has been approved by.... <br />Robert Davis: It has gone through the development review committee. We didn't recommend for this plan but the other plan, which has been <br />pulled. This one is shown in your packet on page 26 with conditions we would recommend. <br />Brian Crawford: Robert, how do you propose that we react to this? We have a recommendation on the record that says we should consider <br />Option 2, which staff recommended. You either have to withdraw that recommendation and make another recommendation. <br />Robert Davis: We are withdrawing that recommendation, Option 2 and for simplicity the only Option left is Option 3 which is a recommendation <br />that is all you have left. In accordance with the conditions on page 26, omitting both 8 and 9. <br />Brian Crawford: We need to do this for the record. If staff is not prepared to make a recommendation on number 3 then we should table this <br />until you are prepared to make a recommendation or formally make a recommendation for number 3 so the Planning Board can consider it. <br />
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