Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 7c
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Last modified
4/1/2010 3:04:08 PM
Creation date
4/1/2010 3:02:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-06-2010
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
RES-2010-028 Resolution approving The Lodges at Chapel Hill Subdivision Preliminary Plat
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Minutes <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />JUNE 3, 2009 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />Attachment 4 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Bflan Crawford, Eno Township At-Large (Chair); Mary Bobbitt-Cooke, Cheek Township Representative; Peter Hallenbeck, <br />Cheeks Township At-Large; Mark Marcoplos, Bingham Township At-Large; Earl McKee, Little River Township Representative; Jeffrey Schmitt, <br />Cedar Grove Township; Judith Wegner, Bingham Township; Larry Wright, Cedar Grove Township At-Large; Rachel Phelps Hawkins, <br />Hillsborough Representative; Tommy McNeill, Eno Township Representative <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Samantha Cabe, Chapel Hill Township At-Large; Vacant, At-Large <br />STAFF PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director; Perdita Holtz, Planning Systems Coordinator; Robert Davis, Planner III; Michael Harvey, <br />Zoning Enforcement Officer; Eddie Kirk, Planner II; Tina Love, Administrative Assistant II; <br />OTHERS PRESENT: Kimberly Lewis; Margaret Lewis; Alvon Lewis; Lucy Fearrington; Joseph Fearrington; Noah Harris; Ola Harris; Kirstin <br />Frescoln; Louis Kingsland; Ucky Hendel; Walter Whitlock; David Holdaway; Kent Wiles; Tom Holt; Andrew Nobel; Lee Lambert; Steve <br />Prakken; Sheyko & Nichole Sergey; Ann Waller; Greg Forest; Jay Harris; Derek Harris; Jon, Cheryl, Katlyn & Kegan Edwards; Clementine Self; <br />Johanne Gisledth <br />AGENDA ITEM 7: SUBDIVISION CONCEPT PLAN-ALPENGLOW TRACE <br />To consider staff's recommendation on the submitted conventional and flexible subdivision plans forAlpenglow Trace <br />located in Chapel Hill Township in the vicinity of Booth Road and Damascus Church Road. This item was tabled at <br />the May 6 2009 Planning Board Meeting; <br />Presenter: Robert Davis, Planner III <br />Robert Davis: My name is Robert Davis. 1 am the subdivision administrator for the County. I handed each of you a single sheet of paper <br />from the county attorney that came in this afternoon, which does change our recommendation on this subdivision. Just a brief history, this is a <br />subdivision that is located in the southern part of the County at the end of Booth Road. It also has access along Damascus Church Road. <br />This is a submittal for a twelve (12)-lot subdivision. There were two (2) separate plans submitted, a conventional plan, which showed no open <br />space, and a flexible development plan, which showed 34% open space. The flexible development plan had access through Booth Road and <br />the conventional plan showed dual access off Damascus Church Road and Booth Road. <br />Reviewed PowerPoint slides for the subdivision. <br />Robert Davis: This is in a rural growth management area, it's in a rural designated area so therefore it follows the normal process, that is less <br />than twenty (20) lots, it follows the concept plan submittal, the preliminary plan comes next, and then the final plat which would be staff <br />reviewed based on the conditions that the Commissioners place on it at the preliminary stage. The Planning Board at its May meeting <br />requested a third option to be submitted which you have which shows no connection to Booth Road and a long cut-de-sac coming down into <br />this tract from Damascus Church Road. This is a conventional plan and has roughly 33% open space close to what the flexible development <br />plan would require. <br />Reviewed PowerPoint slides representing fire department routes to the site. <br />Mark Marcoplos: This is a little misleading because by 15-501 it is four lanes through there so it is a lot faster to come up the four lane road <br />and then turn into Booth Road just to be clear on that. <br />Robert Davis: This one is 3.3 miles and going this way was one tenth of a mite difference. <br />Mary Bobbitt-Cooke: It is not the miles but the time, the response time. <br />Mark Marcoplos: The condition of the roads, the directness of the route and the number of lanes, they would clearly go down 15-501 down a <br />four lane road, you could get up to start point real quick and get in there. <br />Larry Wright: Have the fire departments been contacted? <br />Robert Davis: The Fire Marshall gave his recommendation, which vas to require both connections. I have information here that eliminates <br />one of those options based on the county attorney's opinion and what has happened recently. After your meeting last month, there is a state <br />statute that allows right-of-way that is dedicated for a public purpose, to be withdrawn after 15 years if the road has not been built and <br />maintained for public use. That cut-de-sac was never constructed or bonded. Two days after the last Planning Board meeting, Orange <br />Partners filed a withdrawal of the dedication of the Booth Road stub, which effectively removed that from consideration for the extension of <br />Booth Road. That was something that was done in the 80s. As long as I have been here, the County does not accept dedications of a right-a- <br />16 <br />
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