Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 We further request that this matter be placed on the respective agendas for discussion at the <br /> 2 next possible scheduled public hearings of both the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and the <br /> 3 Orange County Board of Commissioners, with an advance notice of at least two weeks. The <br /> 4 basis for our request is as follows: <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Whereas, Carrboro's leadership repeatedly has claimed that it has no interest in <br /> 7 annexing our land; and <br /> 8 Whereas, Carrboro has no expertise in managing farms or rural land; and <br /> 9 Whereas, we believe that ETJ land should be governed by those who have experience <br /> 10 with governing farms and rural land, and not by an urban management principles and urban <br /> 11 land-use ordinances; and <br /> 12 Whereas, the application of Carrboro's land use ordinances to farms and rural land is <br /> 13 inappropriate and threatens our existence, our livelihood, our culture, our family life, and.overall, <br /> 14 our survival; and <br /> 15 Whereas, we believe that town policies foster continuing development of Carrboro's <br /> 16 urban area and, thus, increasingly pose threats to our land, livestock, and livelihood; and <br /> 17 Whereas, there exists no statutory mandate that requires Carrboro to govern the region <br /> 18 known as its ETJ; and <br /> 19 Whereas, we receive no benefits and do not seek benefits from Carrboro's urban <br /> 20 management; and <br /> 21 Whereas, we believe in the democratic process and inalienable rights guaranteed by the <br /> 22 U. S. Constitution and, as such, require the opportunity to elect those who govern our land and <br /> 23 the opportunity to serve on those elected governing bodies; and <br /> 24 Whereas, there is precedent for remanding development jurisdiction to counties from <br /> 25 municipalities; and <br /> 26 Whereas, North Carolina has adopted a Farm Protection Plan administered by the <br /> 27 NCDA; and <br /> 28 Whereas, Orange County's pending version has been described as "farmer friendly" and <br /> 29 was expected by year-end of 2009 <br /> 30 <br /> 31 We hereby request that Carrboro's leadership agree to relinquish development jurisdiction, as <br /> 32 above, and make a concerted effort to seek support for an approval of the above from the <br /> 33 Commissioners of Orange County at this time; that this effort be initiated in good faith by all <br /> 34 parties hereto by no later than November 15, 2009; and that an amendment reflecting this <br /> 35 change of jurisdiction be formally adopted and acknowledged in the Joint Planning Agreement, <br /> 36 and any and all other relevant legal resources or mechanisms as deemed necessary to ensure <br /> 37 acknowledgement and complete compliance by the governments of Orange County, Carrboro, <br /> 38 and Chapel Hill. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 In the interim, we require that Carrboro cease to apply its urban land use ordinances to ETJ <br /> 41 land and farms for so long as we do not seek to urbanize our real property; and proceed <br /> 42 henceforth as if our land is presently governed by Orange County's ordinances from this day <br /> 43 forward, and not by Carrboro's LUO. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 The Board received the petition. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Warren Womble spoke about the ETJ issue. He said that this has to do with financial <br /> 48 gain and the landowners are very concerned about their future and their land. He said that they <br /> 49 want their children to have a fair shot at an equitable value for their land when the time comes. <br />