Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier to say that the top three priorities are <br /> 3 items 1, 2, and 3 and that these three items should be discussed: deer hunting with dogs, the <br /> 4 Alamance/Orange county line and bio-solids disposal. THERE WAS NO SECOND. <br /> 5 Commissioner Yuhasz said that items 8 (fire protection- additional state funding for <br /> 6 state-owned buildings) and 17 ( wastewater system classifications for volunteer fire <br /> 7 departments) both have to do with supporting local fire protection-efforts. He thinks it is <br /> 8 important to try and support this and get support from the legislators. <br /> 9 Commissioner Yuhasz said that deleting the last sentence on item #1 would not be <br /> 10 sufficient for him, so he would like to vote on all of the items except for#1. <br /> 11 A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> 12 say that the top priorities are items 2 and 3; that the Board of County Commissioners generally <br /> 13 supports the resolution for bio-solids, action on the Alamance/Orange county line, and <br /> 14 legislation to ban deer hunting with dogs; and it also supports items 8 (fire protection- additional <br /> 15 state funding for state-owned buildings) and 17 (wastewater system classifications for volunteer <br /> 16 fire departments). <br /> 17 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 18 <br /> 19 A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 20 Hemminger to support item #1 as one of the top three priorities, removing the fast sentence. <br /> 21 VOTE: Ayes, 8; No, 1(Commissioner Yuhasz) <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Commissioner Gordon made reference to the Alamance/Orange County line and said <br /> 24 that as this is presented to the delegation, it should be offered as a draft because Grange <br /> 25 county is waiting on input from Alamance county. -She wants the legislators to know that <br /> 26 Grange County is working with Alamance County on this. <br /> 27 Commissioner Jacobs made reference to item #14— Carolina North Transportation <br /> 28 Funding —and suggested conveying this to UNC so that they know that it is of concern to <br /> 29 Grange County. <br /> 30 A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> 31 send a letter to the chancellor of UNC-Chapel Hill, indicating that Carolina North Transportation <br /> 32 is a high priority for Grange County. <br /> 33 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 34 <br /> 35 8. Re ular A enda <br /> 36 a. Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement entitled "An ordinance <br /> 37 Requiatina Ememencv Medical First Responder and Rescue Service and Grantina of <br /> 38 Franchise and contracts to the Operators In the County of Oran-Cie" <br /> 39 The Board considered amendments to the EMS Franchise ordinance entitled, "An <br /> 40 Ordinance Regulating Ambulance and Emergency Medical, First Responder and Rescue <br /> 41 Services and Granting of Franchise and Contracts to the Operators in the County of Orange <br /> 42 and authorizing the chair to sign. <br /> 43 Staff Attorney Annette Moore said that when they were last here on February 2"d, the <br /> 44 Board passed amendments to this ordinance, but there were things that were of concern. <br /> 45 There was a concern from the fire chiefs about the amendments and the ordinance, so now <br /> 46 there is an amendment that specifically excludes the fire departments. The first amendment is <br /> 47 to Section 2.4c, which would read: "A fire department in Orange County that by contract with <br /> 48 the County provides rescue and emergency services as provided by this ordinance." This sets <br /> 49 apart fire departments that the County contracts with from the EMS Franchise Ordinance. <br />