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10 <br /> be signed the second meeting in September or the first meeting in <br /> October. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the necessity of holding a <br /> public hearing on the Agreement with Hillsborough. She feels that the <br /> process would be more open and that comments on the document is <br /> important to the process. Geoffrey Gledhill explained that a public <br /> hearing is not necessary until the two governing boards develop jointly <br /> a cooperative area land use plan and a cooperative area land use map. <br /> The Board is not obligated when this agreement is signed until there is <br /> a jointly approved plan and map which creates the district. This <br /> agreement is the framework from which the plan and map will be <br /> developed. If there is not a consensus on the plan and map the <br /> agreement cannot be implemented. It was decided that the agreement will <br /> include a provision that if the two governing boards cannot agree on a <br /> land use plan and map, that either party can get out of the agreement <br /> without having a public hearing. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the Manager's recommendation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Chair <br /> Carey to rescind the previous motion. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Town Commissioner Bob Rose stated that he feels the two <br /> transition areas are minor points. However, in the draft copy it states <br /> specifically that these two areas will be jointly agreed upon before the <br /> plan and map are developed. He expressed a concern about the water and <br /> sewer area in that it has been superimposed with rural character. As <br /> he recalls, the County Commissioners has not adopted any of the options <br /> of the rural character suggestions that are included in this draft <br /> agreement. It is unclear to Hillsborough as to density and various <br /> other things in the water and sewer area. It is economically advantage <br /> or disadvantage as to which way they go with this. If they limit the <br /> amount of dwellings per acre and prevent cluster developments, there <br /> will be 2-acre parcels with well and septic tank. Other options may be <br /> feasible with cluster development using municipal water and sewer on <br /> smaller lots and there would be more open space and no wells or septic <br /> tanks. He recommends delay until the next meeting so the two boards can <br /> meet. <br /> Chair Carey clarified that the Board has always referred to <br /> that area as rural character although they have never adopted any <br /> recommendations from the Rural Character Study Committee that would be <br /> applicable to that area. Adoption of this Study will not change the <br /> proposed boundaries of this area, but the use of the area will be more <br /> specific. This will not be a change in boundaries between the Rural <br /> Character Area and the transition area. <br /> Bob Rose feels that the options that are presented, if they <br /> were adopted, would not make those areas economically feasible for <br /> municipal water and sewer unless there were some other options <br /> available. <br /> John Link stated that this does need to be addressed. <br /> Marvin Collins noted that the concern that Commissioner Rose. <br /> has identified is related to the draft strategies that the Rural <br />