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a <br /> tt, _ 276 <br /> RESOLUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br /> THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br /> ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES BY WHICH TO ADDRESS <br /> COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MATTERS <br /> OF MUTUAL INTEREST <br /> WHEREAS the Planning Board was created for the purpose of developing <br /> and recommending to the Board of Commissioners a Comprehensive Plan for <br /> Orange County, including policies, ordinances, administrative <br /> procedures, and other means for carrying out said plan in a <br /> coordinated and efficient manner; and <br /> WHEREAS a goal of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan is the <br /> promotion of economic development which emphasizes local employment <br /> needs yet preserves community character and protects the natural <br /> environment; and <br /> WHEREAS the Economic Development Commission was created for the purpose <br /> of increasing economic development through clear, effective strategies <br /> and policies which stimulate balanced development at appropriate rates <br /> in suitable locations; and <br /> WHEREAS the parties to this agreement pledge their best faith efforts • <br /> to deal responsibly with issues of mutual interest, and acknowledge and <br /> respect each other' s responsibilities and obligations in this regard; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS the parties to this agreement pledge, consistent with legal <br /> limitations , to work cooperatively to balance economic, <br /> environmental, and community considerations in developing plans , <br /> policies , regulations , and/or other similar documents that are in the <br /> best interests of the citizens of Orange County: <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Planning Board <br /> and the Orange County Economic Development Commission that they agree <br /> to work cooperatively in addressing the following matters of <br /> mutual interest: <br /> A. Identifying and applying appropriate locational criteria, land use <br /> categories , and zoning designations to promote business, including <br /> but not limited to the following: <br /> 1 . Economic development district; <br /> 2 . Mixed-use development district; and <br /> 3 . Floating land use plan/zoning district designations . <br /> B. In conjunction with A above, develop performance standards and <br /> project size thresholds which measure the impact of land <br />