Orange County NC Website
2"74 <br /> it has for upgrading or any Durham County franchise required upgrade. <br /> 3 . Grantee shall provide a trouble feed-back system which <br /> allows the monitoring of all active elements of all Main Trunk Cable of <br /> the system. Grantee may satisfy this requirement in one of two ways: <br /> (1) it may, within 18 months of its acceptance of this franchise, <br /> install and activate bi-directional capacity in the Main Trunk Cable of <br /> its system or, (2) it may immediately provide service to subscribers <br /> along all Main Trunk Cable at such intervals as will provide a "trouble <br /> feed-back system" in effect activated by subscriber calls in the event <br /> of system failures which is comparable in terms of reliability to an <br /> activated bi-directional feed-back system. In the event grantee elects <br /> to utilize a subscriber "trouble feed-back system" it must provide the <br /> necessary service to subscribers without regard to the system extension <br /> requirements contained in this franchise and, if necessary in order to <br /> obtain their subscriptions, at no cost to the subscribers that are part <br /> of the "trouble feed-back system. " <br /> 4 . Grantee shall design and operate its system so that it has <br /> interconnect compatability to share programming with any existing <br /> franchised cable operator within the unincorporated areas of the county <br /> and provide verification to the satisfaction of the county manager of <br /> this compatability. <br /> Section X. Programming and access. <br /> A. Grantee shall provide at least one public service and/or <br /> access channel. This channel shall be reserved for and used for such <br /> things as community billboard, local origination programming and • <br /> educational access programming other than PBS. <br /> B. Grantee shall provide a local origination studio, together <br /> with the necessary equipment and personnel, to enable members of the <br /> public to create and broadcast programming. Grantee may satisfy this <br /> requirement to provide local origination studio and necessary equipment <br /> and personnel by contracting with a third party. However, the <br /> responsibility to provide the local origination studio and necessary <br /> equipment and personnel is that of grantee. Air time shall be provided <br /> free of charge to everyone except "for-profit" entities and declared <br /> political candidates. Fees may be charged for equipment and labor <br /> supplied by grantee in assisting persons in developing programming, <br /> except that no charge shall be made for live studio cable casts of five <br /> members or less by public access users or for the broadcasts of such <br /> special events as are designated by the board of commissioners of the <br /> county. <br /> C. Grantee shall make its local origination and public access <br /> channel programming available to any other franchised cable operator in <br /> the county at the time that cable operator makes its local origination <br /> and public access channel programming available to grantee. Grantee <br /> shall carry any other franchised cable operators local origination and <br /> public access programming when it becomes available to grantee. <br /> Grantee shall not be required to carry such programming if it is <br /> commercially sponsored. Any charge made by grantee to another <br /> franchise cable operator as a price for grantee making its local <br /> origination and public access channel programming available shall be <br /> commercially reasonable and shall be at no charge provided the other <br /> 6 <br />