Orange County NC Website
:. . _ t U <br /> following streets or roads within Orange County all necessary cables <br /> and other equipment and facilities to serve areas within Durham County <br /> located east of the boundary line between Orange County and Durham <br /> County: Craig Road where it lies within Orange County between Bivins <br /> Road and Saddle Drive. <br /> Section II. Renewal. <br /> The franchise may be renewed for an additional period of ten (10) <br /> years upon terms satisfactory to both the county and the grantee. <br /> Section III. Nonexclusive. <br /> The franchise shall be nonexclusive, and the county reserves the <br /> right to grant similar franchises to any person or persons at any <br /> period during the present franchise or any extension thereof. <br /> Section IV. Construction of system. <br /> Grantee shall obtain the proper permission and authority from the <br /> North Carolina Department of Transportation, or other agency of <br /> competent jurisdiction, and where appropriate, private land owners <br /> before any cable or other equipment necessary and appurtenant to the <br /> cable television system may be placed within any street or road. All <br /> highways, roads, streets, sidewalks, avenues, alleys, bridges and other <br /> public and private places that may be disturbed or damaged in the 410 <br /> construction or maintenance of the cable television system shall be <br /> promptly repaired or replaced by the grantee at its own expense. All <br /> poles, wires, cables or other facilities to be constructed or installed <br /> within the streets or roads shall be constructed or installed only at <br /> such locations and depths and in such manner as to comply with all <br /> federal and state statutes, county, and other local ordinances and <br /> rules and regulations of the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation, or other agency of competent jurisdiction. All such <br /> units of government and governmental agencies with approval authority <br /> over the construction and maintenance of the CATV system must approve <br /> the construction and maintenance. All facilities constructed or <br /> installed within the streets or roads shall be so constructed and <br /> installed so as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of <br /> said streets or roads, and minimum interference with the property <br /> rights of property owners adjoining said streets or roads. Such <br /> facilities shall be constructed or installed so that, after <br /> construction or installation is complete, they shall cause no <br /> interference with proper use of said streets or roads, and no <br /> interference with the property rights of owners of property adjoining <br /> said streets or roads. In the event the grantee shall fail to replace <br /> or repair any of said public and private facilities within ten (10) <br /> working days after written notice to do so from the county manager, the <br /> same may be replaced or repaired by the proper authorities of the <br /> county, and in that event, the grantee shall for hwirn pay i-o the <br /> county the cost of such work. <br /> Section V. Relocation of facilities. <br /> 2 <br />