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Annotated Outline <br /> ADMINISTRATION <br /> General Commentary: For an ordinance to be effective, it is Article 2' Administration'. <br /> important that its development review process is efficient and <br /> that the community's substantive planning and development 2.1 Review and Decision-Making Bodies <br /> goals are embedded in the development review standards. An A. Town Board of Commissioners. <br /> efficient process is achieved when the general framework for B. Planning Board . <br /> review is not redundant, the procedures used and the review C. Board of Adjustment <br /> standards included result in a reasonable degree of certainty, D. Town Staff <br /> and the review process for each type of permit is streamlined to 2.2 Common Review Procedures <br /> the greatest extent possible without sacrificing assurance that A. Authority to File Applications <br /> the relevant substantive planning/development goals are used in B. Application Contents <br /> making development decisions. <br /> C. Fees <br /> Certainty is provided primarily through the establishment of D. Submission Schedule <br /> clear review procedures, definite and understandable E. Pre-Application Conference <br /> development review standards, and a balance of discretionary F. Application Submission <br /> and more administrative review procedures. G. Determination of Completeness <br /> H. Preparation of Staff Report <br /> Streamlining is achieved in a combination of ways: I. Scheduling Public Hearing <br /> 1. Consolidating the permit process so the J. Public Notification <br /> applicant has fewer permits to obtain; K. Public Hearing Procedures <br /> 2. Reducing the number of review steps where L. Conditions of Approval <br /> possible; and <br /> 3. Allowing for increased administrative-level M. Appeals of Decisions .. . <br /> review instead of discretionary review when N. Notification to Applicant <br /> community planning/development goals are 0. Deferral of Application <br /> not sacrificed. P. Withdrawal of Application_ <br /> Q. Examination of Documents <br /> Assuring that the community's planning/development goals are R. Simultaneous Processing of Applications <br /> embedded in the development review standards requires a S. Lapse of Approval <br /> close evaluation of existing standards to ensure they are clear, <br /> 2.3 Specific Standards for Development Approvals <br /> sufficiently specific, and consistent with the substantive A. Land Use Plan Amendment <br /> planning/development goals embraced by the community. B. Rezoningor Text Amendment <br /> These factors, all of which are relevant to the procedural C. Conditional Rezoning <br /> efficiency and substantive effectiveness of review procedures, D. Planned Development <br /> are each considered in the design of this Administration article. E. Site Plans <br /> F. Subdivision Plats <br /> It is suggested this new Chapter 2, Administration, include G. Special Use Permit <br /> sections on the following: H.. Zoning Permit <br /> • Administrative and Decision-making Bodies that 1. Variance <br /> consolidates the development review responsibilities J Administrative Adjustment <br /> of the review boards and key town staff members. <br /> • Common Review Procedures that establish a K. Interpretation <br /> common set of review procedures for the review of L. Appeal <br /> applications for development approval. M. Vested Rights Determination <br /> • Specific Standards for.Development Approvals that N. Beneficial Use Determination <br /> include the specific review standards, any unique <br /> procedural review requirements for each individual <br /> application, and rules that apply to an application <br /> once it is approved (e.g., the life of the development <br /> approval, expiration, minor deviations, and <br /> amendments). <br /> The structure for review of individual applications for <br /> Hillsborough,North Carolina <br /> Unified Development Ordinance I Draft Annotated Outline Page 3 <br /> November,2009 <br />