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10 <br /> Deliverables: Initial memorandum of existing issues and opportunities <br /> for the UDO as identified in the March meetings, <br /> including preliminary recommendations for addressing <br /> existing contradictions and inconsistencies (expected <br /> length of approximately five pages). This report will <br /> identify topics that are candidates for graphic illustration, <br /> but will not include any graphics at this point in the <br /> project.—due March 31,2010 <br /> B. Task Two—First Draft UDO: The Consultant will propose and County staff <br /> and Consultant will agree on an outline for the restructuring and format of the <br /> revised UDO. Consultant will also provide formatting suggestions and <br /> identify the topical areas in the new UDO where graphics/illustrations <br /> can/should be included. When the revised structure of the revised UDO is <br /> agreed upon, the Consultant will provide County staff a skeletal framework, <br /> with templates, of the revised organizational structure for the UDO, in Word, <br /> for County staff to use as it revises the UDO. Consultant will also spend up to <br /> one-half day instructing staff on how to use the Word framework. County <br /> staff will then place existing ordinance text into the new template format for <br /> refinement and adjustment by Consultant. <br /> The Consultant will not be expected to re-write existing regulations for <br /> inclusion within the UDO. This is staff s responsibility. During this Task,the <br /> Consultant will be compiling options on how to possibly revise other <br /> regulations to be expressed in the Implementation Bridge, described in Task <br /> Three, which is a primary focus of the Consultant's contract. <br /> The Implementation Bridge is intended to detail public comments and <br /> suggestions relating to the development of the UDO, outline ideas on possible <br /> future amendments (including where they would be placed in the UDO), <br /> suggest timelines (following discussion with staff), and provide the County <br /> with a road map on how future Comprehensive Plan implementation efforts <br /> could be initiated by the BOCC. <br /> Meeting Targets: March through April 2010 — Review of preliminary <br /> recommendations by Planning Board, advisory boards, <br /> and staff. Consultant to attend meeting of Planning <br /> Board, with staff. <br /> April 2010 — Consultant shall meet with staff, as needed, <br /> to review reformatting options for the UDO project and <br /> the Implementation Bridge. Estimate two meetings with <br /> staff, and additional telephone consultation as needed. <br /> May 2010 - Consultant will attend, with staff, two (2) <br /> community outreach meetings to review proposed <br /> Ordinance amendments with and present formatting <br />