Orange County NC Website
Annotated Outline <br /> Public Not'I'fication <br /> It is recommended that the proposed public notification requirements for all applications subject to public notification requirements be <br /> consolidated in this section. <br /> Generally, public notification is required through publication in a newspaper of general circulation, mailing of notice to adjoinEng <br /> property owners, and on-site posting of notice. Specific requirements for each of these different types of notice will be provided, and <br /> public notification requirements will comply with North Carolina haw governing the notice given for various types of permit <br /> applicat�ons. To the extent we can comply with state haw while at the same dime consolidating the notice requirements for the <br /> different types of applications for development approval,we will do so in�n t We also suggest the town consider including <br /> anew provision that authorizes that notice for development applications be send to persons or organizat�vns that have registered to be <br /> notified and paid a fee to defray the costs of the mailing of notice. <br /> The notification procedures and time frames are checked against those required by state haw and references to the General Statutes will <br /> be included. <br /> We have found it quite helpful in consolidating and simplifying notice requirements to use a table that spells out the general public <br /> notification requirements. We propose to use that approach in <br /> this subsection. An example format of the table from another <br /> jurisdiction is reproduced h - <br /> a-is a Mae 42P <br /> � . a <br /> Publ'l'c Hearin Procedures •*W:W dM Vim W <br /> T"AffonOn" X This section ��! include legally-mandated public hearing <br /> will <br /> procedures. Additional information regarding expectations for Amavftw,,to Cffw;alZom Map& At W" days priof to At Wa:t 30 dap pft,o Mail 5 dap aux ID <br /> public hearings will beincluded in the administrative manual. PW"W m"e°w'erA°iOn pWc'ea""° P&M``'ww�ry pubic'"ft <br /> Special Excaptivn Perms 3 Al lea 15 days Or r in At Ira=!15 days prior la least 15 doys prior 10 <br /> Cond'it'ions of Approval "ar��Pe`"'� �e'r° p`b'� �Ai lest IS days prlvr to �u�15 day:nor to Al le am ss days air to <br /> ►4p to Board of Zoning AppQalc public hearing public haarinp PubSc nrgrft <br /> This section will describe generally the types of Conditions that C*ffc„B of ' iatwwas g <br /> may be attached to certain forms of approvals granted under C*ff"m"°`"&W"°& ��a�IS��prior to PA Is a�'5�n�to <br /> this chapter. The section will only apply in these in nces `"'"p`°'at kn;a°ecWm on Ce`'ftom°` k ��� <br /> where the procedure expressly allows applications to be Wore to <br /> "approved with pond i lions." This section will he written to Lar4 Deyek:kMeft AWeemenft A"s"30 days Prior to Pte"°�"�' loam 30�'s"ter haerg <br /> At%mid 30 days <br /> reflect the general Statutes, federal haw, and case law regarding �� <br /> city d <br /> conditional approvals. It will specify that conditions imposed an <br /> proposed Niotce must be limited to those that are Examp�� Sum mary Table of Prov*sions <br /> related in both type and amount to the impacts that the <br /> proposed development will have on the public and surrounding development, and that conditions may not be less restrictive than <br /> provisions to the UDC. <br /> Not'l'ficat'ion to Applicant- <br /> This subsectEOn will explain the various ways in which an app�ieant will re�ei�e nfl���ication of a decision made by adecision-making <br /> body. The section will be developed in accordance with regent changes in state law related to notifi cation regarding Planning Board <br /> decisions. In some cases, notification regarding a decision can be provided during a public hearing,while others may require that the u <br /> Planning Director notify the applicant in writing of the decision on an application for development approval with-in a specific number <br /> of days after the decision on the application. <br /> Appeals of Town Board of Comm*issi'oners Dec'is*ions <br /> This section wi(1 Clarify that all decisions by the Town Board of Comm159oners may only he appealed to Orange County Superior Court 0 0 <br /> under state law. <br /> Deferral of Applicat*ion <br /> This section will establish the rues governing when and under what circumstances an applicant may request the deferral of, or the <br /> town may defer, an application for development approval. <br /> Withdrawal of Appl*icat*ion <br /> Hillsborough,North Carolina <br /> United Development ordinance I Draft Annotated Outline Page 7 <br /> November,2009 <br />