Orange County NC Website
i <br /> Annotated outline <br /> r <br /> - '" <br /> • <br /> .. fi•. , 1••F. �-. , ._ .. a •L . <br /> Var;ante - .,... _. . . �D� -., - ,�; . . � ..PO <br /> Interpretation � - .: - � �-. � - cA> d <br /> <D> <br /> Appeal <br /> Vested light <D> R � .: . C <br /> Development Agreement <D> � .. R . <br /> Beneficial Use Determination <D> <R> - .. C <br /> COMMON REVIEW PROCEDURES <br /> General Commentary: In the current zoning ordinance, several of the procedures for development applications are set forth <br /> as i n d i vol d u al permit processes. The modern trend i n zoning administration is to consolidate these procedures—which i s what <br /> this section on "common review procedures" does. It guides the potential applicant through the rules governing who is <br /> authorized to submit applications, application content requirements and fees, through the actual application submittal and <br /> review stage (the pre-application conference, neighborhood meetings, application submission and completeness <br /> determinafion, staff review, scheduling the public hearing cif one is required) and public notification). Flow charts or other <br /> diagrams are included as aids to under nding the review process. <br /> Author*ity to F*ile Applications <br /> This section establishes the rules governing who can submit an application for development approval. Any exceptions to the rude for <br /> any particular types of applicatEons for development approval are identified in this section. <br /> Applicati&on Contents <br /> The existing ordinance includes the various submittal and plan detail requirements for some of the permit applications. This kind of <br /> information contfibutes to a longer and more cumbersome UDC, and may create a more frequent need for amendment It is <br /> proposed that SectJon 2.2, Common Review Procedures, authorize the Planning Director to establish application requirements other <br /> than fees. It is also recommended that the new UDO follow the modern trend in zoning administration with respect to application <br /> farms and content requirements through use of a Separate Administrative Manual or"User's Guide". That way, the town can establish <br /> an Administrative Manual that sets out all of the application forms, contents requirements,and required plan elements. <br /> Applicants can refer to the Administrative Manual, along with the input received at apre-application conference (discussed below), to <br /> determine what materials and fees must be included in the application submission. Furthermore, the town will be abbe to respond <br /> much more easily to changing application requirement needs, sine the application content requirements for a specific type of permit <br /> application can be modified by the town staff in the manual without amending the UDO. <br /> Fees <br /> This section clarifies that the Town Board of Commissioners establishes fees, updates them from time to fime as necessary, and <br /> provides for their inclusion in the Administrative Manual upon adoption. The fees, along with bonding requirements and other <br /> IP <br /> application content requirement, may then be listed in the Administrative Manual,which can be updated from time to time to reflect <br /> the changesin the fee structure. <br /> Sub ission Schedule <br /> It is ro p posed that this Section add a new provision that allows the Planning Director to establish a submission schedule that controls <br /> the timing for submission of applications for inclusion in an Administrative Manual. The Planning Director can then utilize the <br /> Hillsborough,North Carolina <br /> Unified Development 01rdinance 1 Draft Annotated outline Page 5 <br /> November,2Q09 <br />