Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> until the parties resolve the dispute. Payment for Basic Services shall become due and <br /> payable in direct proportion to satisfactory services performed and work accomplished. <br /> Payments will be made as percentages of the whole as Pro ject milestones as set out i8n Section 3(a)(u)are ac hieved. (For exam ple, if there are 10 Project Tasks with Milestone <br /> Dates then Provider may invoice for the t firs 10% of the whole upon County's <br /> acknowledgement of the satisfactory completion of Task one. Upon the County's <br /> acknowledgement that the second Task has been satisfactorily completed Provider may <br /> invoicefor the next 10%of the whole.) <br /> b,. Additional Services. County shall not be responsible for costs related to any services in <br /> addition to the Basic Services performed by Provider unless County requests such <br /> d itional services in writing and such additional services are evidenced by a written <br /> amendment to this A <br /> 6. Responsibilities of the County <br /> a. Cooperation and Coordination. The County has designated the (Planning Director) to <br /> act as the County's representative with respect to the Project and shall have the authority <br /> to render decisions within guidelines established by the County Manager and/or the <br /> County Board of Commissioners and shall be available during working hours as often as <br /> sk may be reasonably required to render decisions and to furnish information. <br /> 7. Insurance <br /> a General Requirements. The Provider shall purchase and maintain and shall cause each of <br /> his subcontractors to purchase and maintain, during the period of performance of this <br /> Agreementf <br /> i) Worker's Compensation Insurance for protection from claims under workers' or <br /> workmen's compensation acts; <br /> as Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering claims arising out of or <br /> relating to bodily injury, including bodily injury, sickness, disease or death of any <br /> of the Provider's employees or any other person and to real and personal property <br /> including loss of use resulting thereof; <br /> 111) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including hired and non-owned <br /> vehicles, if any, covering personal injury or death, and property damage; and <br /> iv) Professional Liability Insurance, covering personal injury, bodily injury and <br /> 9 <br /> property damage and claims arising out of or related to the performance under this <br /> Agreement by the Provider or his agents, Providers and employees. <br /> b. Insurance Rating. The minimum insurance rating for any company insuring the Provider <br /> shall be Best's A. <br /> CO Limits of Coverage. Minimum limits of insurance coverage shall be as follows: <br /> d� <br />