Orange County NC Website
UDO Assistance Orange County, North Carolina 2 <br /> standards must be clear and precise. While citizen participation <br /> nsive plans.. Languag. e and <br /> co mprehe <br /> is important, it tends to be more focused than with most comprehensive plan projects, with more <br /> emphasis on technical review rather than on numerous neighborhood meetings. <br /> Our experience suggests that it is well worth the time for a community to produce and discuss a <br /> written assessment of existing development regulations before drafting revisions to those regulations, <br /> especially given the need to consider and implement policy recommendations from the community's <br /> recent adopted plans. We therefore applaud Orange County's decision to initiate its consideration of <br /> UDO revisions with this essential first step - preparation of an Annotated Outline one that we <br /> routinely incorporate into every code revision project we undertake. <br /> Based on our experience. in drafting development codes, we have developed a preliminary scope of <br /> sery ices that we believe will enhance the County's ongoing work to update these regulations. We also <br /> offer here, in addition to a proposed scope of work, a series of options for subsequent work that <br /> would enhance the usability of the new regulations. We are flexible and, if selected to do the work, <br /> would be pleased to work with Orange County in making any adjustments to the scope Orange <br /> County believes appropriate. <br /> The preliminary scope includes four basic tasks, which are set forth below. <br /> TASK IN I AND ILLUSTRATION8 <br /> After reviewing all relevant ordinances, <br /> plans, and other related documents, ,M.a.:I.mEmu ! <br /> Clarion will meet with planning staff and <br /> other county staff as appropriate, to ,;;� <br /> discuss overall roject p goals, and discuss <br /> roles. As part of these initial meetings, <br /> Clarion will offer examples of graphics, <br /> illustrations, and formatting used in other <br /> ordinance projects to determine Orange <br /> County's preferences. The graphic ,�,,,�,�,,,,, �`.••', <br /> representations/illustrations will serve as <br /> practical examples of the deve lopment �� u� �� <br /> standards to be contained within the new <br /> UDO. <br /> TASK 2: ASSIST W I H RE-PACKAGING RIEG �ION8 <br /> Orange County staff has been and will continue working to refresh Orange County's <br /> development regulations. This UDO project is not intended' to be a full re-write of all <br /> regulations, but rather a re-packaging of regulations in a more organized, contemporary, user- <br /> friendly format. As part of this re-packaging, there will be adjustments made to particular <br /> regulations that are out-of--date orina equate to meet,current goals and community standards. <br />