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Annotated Outline <br /> inclusion of shrubs within internal areas, and fully opaque screening standards(to a height of 36 inches around the perimeter <br /> of a vehicular use area). We recommend performance-based perimeter buffer standards, but with increased options for a <br /> sliding scale of minimum buffer width. We recommend adding street tree requirements. <br /> The provisions addressing responsibility, replacement, timing and maintenance of required landscaping will be carried <br /> 9P <br /> forward,along with new provisions related to performance guarantees and inspections. <br /> Finally, in the interest of maintaining flexibility in addressing unique or difficult sites or development, applicants will be <br /> allowed to propose alternative strategies for providing landscaping through an Alternative Landscape Plan. The section <br /> includes standards for through the development of an Alternative Landscape Plan that must be reviewed b y the Planning <br /> Director as part of the approval process. <br /> OPEN SPACE SET-ASIDES <br /> Open space set-asides will be carried forward from existing provisions, with increased language about the characteristics of <br /> land to be eligible for open space designations. <br /> FENCES AND WALLS II', <br /> This section will establish minimum standards for perim eter fencing. Certain fencing materials will be prohibited, and I, <br /> different height limits will apply in residential areas and commercial areas (ten feet), unless it is demonstrated that higher <br /> fences are needed for security purposes. � <br /> EXTERIOR LIGHTING <br /> This section includes provisions addressing exterior lighting addressing glare, direction, shielding, spillover, maximum height, <br /> and maximum on-site levels of light with measurable limits for new exterior lighting. Existing standards will be carried over to <br /> the UDO> <br /> TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS <br /> This section will carry forward the town's current traffic impact analysis provisions with no substantive changes. In cases <br /> where it is required,the TIA shall be completed prior to review of an associated rezoning, planned development, special use <br /> permit subdivision,site plan, building permit,or zoning permit(as appropriate). <br /> SIGNAGE <br /> This section will set forth standards for signage,which are currently found in the existing zoning ordinance. We propose only <br /> minor alterations to the signage provisions, including: reformatting to be consistent with the rest of the code and moving the <br /> definitions to Chapter 9, Definitions. <br /> Hillsborough,North Carolina <br /> Page 14 Unified Development Ordinance I Draft Annotated Outline <br /> November,2009 <br />