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Annotated Outline <br /> The procedure is based on United States Supre me Court decisions th at state that local governments may establish procedures by which <br /> they can assess takings claims before they go to court and offer relief if the regulations are found to amount to'a taking-- that is, the <br /> regulations deny all reasonable economic use of a property. <br /> The current zoning ordinance does not have a beneficial use determination procedure. Itis recommended this new procedure be <br /> included in the UDO and be heard by the Town Board of Commissioners,. <br /> ZONING DISTRICTS Ai e 3:Zoning Districts <br /> I F <br /> 3.1 General Provision's <br /> General Commentary: Zoning district and use regulations are a central feature of any <br /> zoning ordinance. They define what may be built on a landowner's property or on the 3.2 Residential Districts <br /> property next door. <br /> We propose no change to the list of designated zoning districts, but do propose to 3.3 Business Districts <br /> adjust the presentation of the districts and standards to be'more user-friendly. <br /> 3.4 Planned Development Districts <br /> Additional modifications to the structure of the districts may occur after further <br /> discussions with staff,the advisory committee,elected officials, and the public. 3.5 Overlay Districts <br /> USE STANDARDS 3.6` Conditional Zoning Districts <br /> General Commentary: While the zoning district regulations will be Article 4• Use Standards <br /> located in Article 3, Zoning Districts, the use regulations will be <br /> contained in Article 4, Use Standards. This article will reorganize <br /> Hillsborough's use regulations into five main sections. The first section 4.1 Use Table <br /> will include a summary use table that will specify the permitted, <br /> prohibited, and speciaIZI%ri"e ption uses for the residential, business, and 4.2 Use Classifications,Categories,and Types <br /> planned development zoning districts,. <br /> 43 Use-Specific Standards <br /> The second secti on in the chapter will establish a classification system <br /> utilized to provide structure and content to the range of permitted 4.4 Accessory Use Standards <br /> uses. <br /> The third section, a set of use-specific standards, will identify any 4-s5 Temporary Use Standards <br /> specific regulations or limitations that always apply to certain principal <br /> uses, regardless of the underlying zoning district in which they are <br /> located. This material will replace the specific use standards that are located throughout the existing ordinance. If there are exceptions <br /> to the general standards established in this section,they will be identified. Special attention will be paid to adding new uses, new use <br /> standards,and improving upon what currently exists in the zoning ordinance. <br /> Sections four and five will include the provisions relating to accessory uses and structures and temporary uses and structures <br /> respectively. <br /> USE TABLE <br /> The heart of Article 4, Use Standards, is the summary use table. It builds on the current lists of uses defined in each zoning <br /> district section and includes a range of new uses not found in the current zoning ordinance. It also includes additional <br /> information related to any use-specific standards that may apply, and where those standards may be found. The use table in <br /> the new UDO reflects revisions to the lineup of zoning districts (as outlined in Article 3, Zoning Districts) and the system of <br /> uses described above. <br /> The actual set of uses identified in a use table will be either"permitted"or"special use"(except where uses are"allowed"in <br /> Planned Development Districts). Allowed uses are uses that are permitted within in a planned development district, but only <br /> when such uses are specifically identified i n the Master Plan. Review and approval of the proposed list of uses occurs as part <br /> of review of the Planned Development Master Plan. A blank cell in a use table will signify that the use is prohibited within a <br /> Hillsborough,North Carolina <br /> Unified Development Ordinance I Draft Annotated Outline Page 11 <br /> November,2009 <br />