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may not be the same level of service that Chapel Hill wants to provide for its citizens, so <br /> to say that they had to bring the Orange County System up to the level of the Chapel Hill <br /> System, in order for there to be a merger, was to suggest that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners seized that responsibility to the Chapel Hill Town Council, and he for <br /> one, was not willing to do that. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he would like them to look at this a little more structurally <br /> first, then financially, because he thought they needed to decide what their partnership <br /> was, and try and make it a partnership. He said if Chapel Hill wanted to have it at a <br /> certain level of service, can they afford to pay their fair share of that level of service, or is <br /> it unfair to Chapel Hill to have them take advantage of that level of service as a county <br /> system. He said they would like to be equitable partners, but he does not think they know <br /> what the parameters are right now. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she had no problem working on an operational expense <br /> contribution; the real road block they have when it comes to capital expenditures was <br /> planning for the <br /> population; how do they know who was going to be using the new library. She said for <br /> that reason she did think they should have that conversation, even though they may not be <br /> in a position to figure out all the details about how they would actually merge, because <br /> she didn't think they could plan properly without the conversation. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said they were up against their debt limit, but she agreed they <br /> needed to raise some contributions for the operating expense; but, if Chapel Hill decided <br /> to go ahead with their expansion, and double their operation budget, she did not see the <br /> county being able to double its contribution. She said they were trying to get another <br /> library in the southwest corner; to do that they were hoping it would draw some patrons <br /> back from the Chapel Hill Library, and if they were making monies toward that, there <br /> would be even less money they could put toward the Chapel Hill system. She said she <br /> believed if the Chapel Hill Council went forward with their expansion, they would be <br /> further away from a unified system for more than 25 years. She said they could help on <br /> the operational expenses, but not on the capital side for a good 15 years. <br /> Mayor pro tem Ward said he was hearing the county clearly that the capital funds were <br /> not there now; he can face reality, but, he said, tell us what you can do; put up the money. <br /> He said for the last 10 years they had received zero from the county. He said he agrees <br /> with Commissioner Nelson's suggestion to get their staffs together to come up with a <br /> plan; it's a step in the right direction. <br /> Council Member Czajkowski asked when was the Southwest Library suppose to be built, <br /> because he believed what they were really talking about was, does the county build the <br /> Southwest Library, or does Chapel Hill go ahead with their expansion; where the county <br /> says rather than build the Southwest Library, they would contribute to the Chapel Hill <br /> Library. He said that was the choice as he saw it. He said what he was not hearing was <br /> that the county could contribute any significant funds if the Chapel Hill Council moves <br /> forward with the library expansion; so, he believes as Chapel Hill they have to ask <br />