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Mayor Foy said the bonds run out in 2010, and can get renewed for up to three years; so <br /> the Council still has a window of three years, assuming the local government commission <br /> approves. He said what the Council has to confront in the next coming months is whether <br /> there is the convergence of interest rates, and construction costs that are favorable, that <br /> make it a desirable time to spring into action. He said if they were not going to do it, it <br /> can be deferred. He said the real question was will the Chapel Hill Library continue to be <br /> an essential part of fulfilling Orange Country's needs. He said if it was, let's figure out a <br /> way to make it work. <br /> Vice Chair Nelson said they were up against their debt ceiling; schools, the Southwest <br /> Library, expansion of Carrboro High School, and enormous capital pressures. He said he <br /> believed it would be a little disingenuous to make promises today, to give false hope. He <br /> said this isn't to say they are not interested,just that was where they are. <br /> Mayor pro tem Ward said they have had 10 to 15 years of the county saying the same <br /> thing to Chapel Hill; that they are not funding them adequately, but they can't do <br /> anything about it. He said he wants to come out of this meeting with a commitment from <br /> Orange County, and Carrboro to put money into the library services they were using in <br /> Chapel Hill. He said they were not the bad guys here; this was just more of the same <br /> discussions they have had, and the same conclusion for almost two decades. <br /> Alderman Slade said what he saw basically is equity; they have different systems going <br /> on, and there was a missing translatability between them. He said he believed Chapel Hill <br /> was ready to build this expansion, and includes a projection of the continuation of the <br /> services they do provide to Carrboro and southern Orange County. He said there was an <br /> assumption, or expectation there that they will be able to pitch in; however, the reality <br /> was they don't have the money to do that. He said building southwest would be an <br /> alternative to increasing the size of the CHPL. <br /> Mayor Chilton said no one ever talks about the more obvious, and equitable solution of <br /> having one county library system; it would be fairer to Chapel Hill taxpayers, and <br /> Carrboro residents to contribute in a fair way. <br /> Alderman Broun said she agreed with Mayor Chilton that it would be a way for them to <br /> use limited tax revenue. She said they need to be thinking long term about a unified <br /> system that would work better; short term what does Chapel Hill want to do. She said <br /> they can live with that decision. <br /> Chairman Foushee said Orange County needs to determine what they believe equitable <br /> library services looks like throughout the county; if Chapel Hill decides to do something <br /> outside of that, then there was not a lot they could say to influence their decision. She <br /> said she did think all of them felt, that at some point, a formula should have been <br /> developed to determine what the county's contribution should have been to the Chapel <br /> Hill Library system; but absent of that, they were at a place now, where they cannot just <br /> say they can commit more to the Chapel Hill Library; that was not going to happen. She <br /> said the county has a responsibility to provide services to southwest Orange County that <br />