Minutes (Summary) - 20091130 - AOG
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes (Summary) - 20091130 - AOG
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3/10/2016 3:14:07 PM
Creation date
3/24/2010 8:34:02 AM
Meeting Type
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Hill's point of view, it would not be hard to say they just were not getting the support <br /> they needed from Orange County, and therefore, they were going to have to charge <br /> everybody $100 who lives in Orange County and uses the library. <br /> Mayor Chilton said he was not uncomfortable talking about what Carrboro would <br /> contribute; he said he did not expect to pay anything different from what people in Cedar <br /> Grove, or Hillsborough pay for library services; and we need to do the kinds of things <br /> Commissioner Nelson was talking about. He said he agreed with County Manager <br /> Clifton's suggestion for an approach to that issue, but he believed it was a serious mistake <br /> to discard, as being off in the distant future, the notion of consolidating the service into <br /> one library system. He said if they had enough interest and political will in this <br /> community to do it soon, they could do it soon. He said Carrboro was not going to make <br /> a contribution from their operating budget to support the Chapel Hill Public Library; the <br /> inequity issues were going to be forever difficult to measure. He said the simplest <br /> solution was for them to come to some kind of consensus as a county about what level of <br /> service they expect in terms of library services, and have one service that provides those <br /> services to them. <br /> Mayor Foy said he believed they should get a firm proposal from their staffs; for example <br /> when does it happen, what exactly is the formula, how often is it recalculated, and if it <br /> could come back to the boards before the end of January, it will give everyone some time <br /> in their budgets. He said it would also be helpful for all of them to know when the county <br /> was projecting a new bond issue, what will be on that bond issue; and was there any <br /> possibility that libraries could be part of that bond issue; and if they are, was there an <br /> opportunity for Chapel Hill to participate in the bond issue for capital expenses for the <br /> proposed library expansion. He asked if there was a consensus that that was what they <br /> wanted from their staffs. <br /> There was a consensus. <br /> Mayor Foy asked if there was any further discussion; he asked everyone if they were <br /> happy. <br /> Mayor Chilton said he believed for those who were not on the Chapel Hill Town Council, <br /> it would be the last time they were graced with the pleasure of Mayor Kevin Foy of <br /> Chapel Hill, who he enjoyed working with for many years. He said for all of them he just <br /> wanted to say thank you on behalf of elected Orange County officials that they appreciate <br /> the hard work that he has done and the years of service he has put in to the people of <br /> Chapel Hill and the region as a whole. <br />
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