Orange County NC Website
O�P� �do8- �9✓ <br />Criminal Justice Partnership Program <br />Grant Project Ordinance <br />Project Number 29 -7050 <br />Be it ordained by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners that pursuant to Section <br />13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the following grant project is <br />hereby adopted. <br />Section 1. The project authorized is the Orange - Chatham Criminal Justice Partnership <br />Program as awarded to Orange and Chatham Counties by the North Carolina <br />Department of ' Corrections. The project will provide pre -trial release and <br />substance abuse services to persons sentenced to intermediate sanctions. <br />Section 2. Under the terms of the agreement, Orange County will administer the grant as <br />fiscal agent. The officers of the County are hereby directed to proceed with the <br />grant project within the grant document, the rules and regulations of the North <br />Carolina Department of Corrections. <br />Section 3. The following revenue is anticipated to be available to complete this project: <br />Intergovernmental (2007 -08) $241,162 <br />Intergovernmental (2008 -09) $185,332 <br />Total Intergovernmental $426,494 <br />Transfer from General Fund (2007 -08) $24,534 <br />Transfer from General Fund (2008 -09) $55,534 <br />Total from General Fund $80,068 <br />Total Orange- Chatham Criminal Justice <br />Partnership Revenue $506,562 <br />Section 4. The following amount is appropriated for this project: <br />Public Safety - Orange- Chatham Criminal Justice <br />Partnership $506,562 <br />Section S. The finance officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Grant Project <br />sufficient specific detailed accounting records to provide the accounting to the <br />grantor agency required by the grant agreement and federal and state <br />regulations. <br />Section 6. Funds maybe advanced from the General Fund for the purpose of making <br />payments due. Reimbursement requests should. be made to the grantor agency <br />in an orderly and timely manner. <br />