Orange County NC Website
-~ <br />~.- -- <br />~. 1~: ~ ~! <br />Marion Way and Hollow Court to the State Road System; Commissioner <br />Walker seconded the .motion. Vote: }{yes, 5; noes, 0. <br />B. This Board approve abandonment of a portion of SR 1918 shown o ~~ <br />the attached map as "C."- - <br />Commissioner Whitted moved to approve the abandonment of a portion of <br />5R 1918 as shown on the map; Commissioner Willhoit seconded the motion. <br />Vote: ~ gyes, 5; noes,~0. <br />C. This Board approve the addition to the secondary road system of <br />the portion of 5R 1918 shown at "p" and "E." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved to approve the addition to the secondary <br />road~.~system the portion bf SR 1918 so 'marked; Commissioner Willhoit seconded <br />the motion. Vote: Ayes, 4; .noes, p;~{Commissioner Whitted was not in the <br />x; ~~ <br />room when this vote was taken). <br />Agenda Item 10: ~r~,A Re ort~From the Community Develo ment <br />n sneer oncernin a own t <br />" s orou s Refusa to Execute n En-~ <br />croac ment A regiment hat Wou d.A ow <br />ie n f New Water and Sewer Services <br />• To Existin Mains`In t e CD Tar et Area <br />Mr. John McAdams, consulting engineer, said the. failure to execute this <br />standard DOT. encroachment agreement was delaying the project. He said <br />the Town of Hillsborough wanted the County to pay for the first year's <br />maintenance for these lines. The Honorable Fred Cates, Mayor of Hills- <br />borough, .was present and said Mr. McAdams was essentially correct in his <br />understanding of the situation. The Town of Hillsborough wants the County <br />to guarantee the first year's maintenance expense for the water and sewer <br />lines and to put up a security deposit from which repair costs cau1d be <br />drawn. After an extended exchange between Mayor Cates and The Board of <br />Commissioners, Commissioner Gustaveson moved to assure Hillsborough of the <br />Board of Commissioners' support that the contractor would guarantee that <br />any lines put in under this encroachment agreement would be covered by the <br />contractor's warranty and costs of repair and maintenance would be ex- <br />peditiously paid. Mayor Cates said that would be agreeable to the Town of <br />Hillsborough. Commissioner Walker seconded the motion. Vote: ayes, 5; <br />noes, 0. <br />The Chair adjourned the Board for a short recess and then reconvened <br />after fifteen minutes. <br />