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monies and Solid Waste Enterprise Fund revenues were approved as permanent <br />full -time equivalent positions. <br />o 11.7 full -time equivalent positions of the total recommended 23.675 positions were <br />approved to staff new facilities coming on line this year and to address health and <br />safety needs for residents. The net County cost of these new positions totals <br />$402,046. <br />o Commissioners agreed to postpone opening of West Ten Park until August 2009 <br />and Northern Park until April 2009. The postponement results in operational and <br />capital savings of $150,000 and staff savings of $105,157 generated by not <br />approving two Parks Conservation Technician positions. <br />However, the opening of Northern Park in April 2009 necessitates <br />approving the Parks Conservation Tech II for October 1, 2008. Substantial <br />completion of the park will occur this fall, and personnel will be needed to <br />maintain the park and nurture the fields until the opening in April. The cost <br />of this addition can be absorbed in the Parks and Recreation budget by <br />shifting operational costs for other park projects to summer 2009. Staff <br />plans to bring updated park construction timetables to the Board at its <br />regular August 19, 2008 meeting. <br />o Beginning July 1, 2008, County positions that are not required to maintain <br />essential services such, as those related to public safety, health, protective <br />services, face a three -month hiring delay. Anticipated savings from the delay total <br />$400,000. <br />o The Board agreed to defer, for one year, two major capital initiatives — renovations <br />of the Link Government Services Center and purchase of Central Permitting <br />Software. The cumulative savings generated by the deferral equates to <br />$1,325,000 or the equivalent of just over one cent on the FY 2008 -09 ad valorem <br />tax rate. The deferral of these projects does not reflect recurring reductions in the <br />General Fund. The attached Link Government Services Center and Information <br />Technology capital project ordinances reflect these changes. <br />o Maintaining county contributions to outside agencies at the FY 2007 -08 funding <br />levels results in a savings of $361,630 from the recommended funding level. <br />• Based on changes -to -date in the recommended budget, the Board has funded just over <br />96 percent of the funding requests received from Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, <br />Orange County Schools and Durham Technical Community College. Just under 83 <br />percent of the requests received from County departments and outside agencies has <br />been funded. <br />Attachment 2 of this agenda abstract, "Fiscal Year 2008 -09 Budget Ordinance" represents the <br />legislation that actually implements the 2008 -09 annual operating budget for the County. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: As outlined in the Background section and noted in the budget ordinance <br />and individual project ordinances. <br />