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person because the person from the Planning Board who lives in the ETJ chose to serve on <br /> the Board of Adjustment. It is a Planning Board membership and not a residency membership. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz verified that the Town of Hillsborough really has nothing to say <br /> about what happens in the areas that might be annexed. However, there would be a courtesy <br /> review process. He is not sure why those people would need representation on these boards. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that it was Orange County's original position to have <br /> representation on the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment. She asked about the <br /> rationale for this. Perdita Holtz said that the original recommendation has to do with other <br /> areas of the County, specifically the JPA (Joint Planning Area) in the southern part of the <br /> county where there has been a lot of talk about people not feeling that they have <br /> representation if the area will be annexed at a future date. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that her recollection is that the JPA part of the County does <br /> have representation. She said that this recommendation makes sense to her. <br /> Commissioner Gering said that he has a problem giving people seats on these two <br /> boards when they are not subject to Hillsborough's regulations. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said that she understands where the rationale came from, but <br /> since it is in Orange County's jurisdiction, this may create more problems. She made <br /> reference to annexation and asked at what point it would kick in that there would be a member <br /> on the Planning Board. Margaret Hauth said that they take volunteers as they come forward. <br /> There is no hard and fast rule. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he thinks that part of the idea is to have as seamless a <br /> transition as possible from one jurisdiction to the other regarding planning so that there is <br /> some consistency. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Jacobs. She said that it is better to <br /> advertise in the urbanizing areas for applicants to these boards. She is in favor of the staff <br /> recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that if he was living in the ETJ areas, and he had to <br /> compete with people who have no interest in what happens with the Hillsborough Planning <br /> Board, he might have a problem with that. He said that the ETJ representatives are intended <br /> to represent the interests of those people who do not have a direct representative on the Town <br /> Board of Commissioners but need to have some representation in the planning process. He <br /> suggested leaving it alone and not including the orange areas (proposed Orange County <br /> urbanizing areas) in the representation. <br /> Commissioner Gering said that he has a harder time understanding this representation <br /> on the BOA and what it would mean since the people are not in Hillsborough's jurisdiction. <br /> Mayor Stevens said that this is a small area they are talking about and people have <br /> good access to the process throughout. He said that to mess with something when it is not <br /> broken may not work and it should be left alone. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed with Commissioner Gering and said that there is a <br /> difference between the BOA and the Planning Board. Regarding the blue areas (proposed <br /> Hillsborough urbanizing areas), she said that this would need to come back for discussion. <br /> Margaret Hauth said that it would be awhile before this is operational, at least a year or <br /> more. <br /> Chair Foushee said that the boards should revisit this when the time comes since there <br /> is not a problem that should be fixed now. <br /> All agreed. <br />