2010-035 Housing - Consultant Services Agreement - William Frank Newton Inc. signed 3/10/2010
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2010-035 Housing - Consultant Services Agreement - William Frank Newton Inc. signed 3/10/2010
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Last modified
11/21/2018 10:37:16 AM
Creation date
3/12/2010 3:52:24 PM
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Agreement - Consulting
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R 2010-035 Housing - W Frank Newton
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Selection of firm(s) will be made within two weeks of the due date and service agreements <br />executed prior to the end of January. <br />2. Scope of Services & Deliverables <br />The following is a draft outline for the finished product(s). A final scope of services will be <br />negotiated with the selected firm(s). <br />a. 2010-201 S Consolidated Plan <br />i. Scone <br />The primary basis for the Plan begins with HUD guidelines. However, the Plan is not limited to <br />HUD guidelines. The Plan shall be completed as to the directions given by the County. In <br />particular, HUD guideline Title 24 Part 91: "Consolidated Submissions for Community Planning <br />and Development Programs," will be used for guidance. The housing component of the <br />Consolidated Plan will be prepared for the entire four jurisdiction HOME Consortium. The <br />Non-Housing Community Development component will be prepared only for the Town of <br />Chapel Hill CDBG Entitlement Community. <br />The Consultant hired will implement afive-step process, which will ultimately address how the <br />Consortium members intend to meet the three statutory goals (decent housing, suitable living <br />environment, and expanded economic opportunities). Those five steps are as follows: <br />1) Provide current conditions data (including but not limited to census data, building <br />conditions, comprehensive housing market study, homeless needs, and special <br />populations needs). All conditions data must be provided for the entire Consortium <br />and broken out for each jurisdiction within the Consortium. <br />2) Analyze current condition data and phase into a Statement of Needs (including <br />completion of required data tables); <br />3) Provide a Priority Ranking of Needs <br />4) Develop detailed strategies for each jurisdiction addressing those Needs (i.e. what and <br />how to accomplish them) <br />Also see HUD's publications entitled, "Guidelines for Preparing a Consolidated Plan <br />Submission for Local Jurisdictions", "Guidance on Preparing Consolidated Plans for Fiscal <br />Year (FY) 2010 Funding Cycles " dated November 4, 2009, and The Consolidated Plan <br />Questions and Answers -July 2004 ". <br />ii. Required Elements <br />1. Executive Summary <br />The Plan shall include an executive summary that outlines the basic findings of the Plan. It shall <br />include information on both the consortium area as a whole and on the Town of Chapel Hill as a <br />CDBG entitlement community in particular. <br />2 <br />
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