Orange County NC Website
3. Triangle SportsPlex (Low-emissive ceiling, solar hot water heater, T5 lighting, <br />high-efficiency hand dryers). <br />Broadband Funding <br />The Broadband funding application is for submission has been extended until March 29, <br />2010. This is the final round for application submission. Orange County is completing an <br />application to the Broadband Information Program (BIP) grant/loan request to the Rural <br />Utilities Service branch of the USDA to fund up to eight different cell tower locations, <br />including one to service the rural library. The purpose of the grant/loans is to extend <br />broadband services into rural, un-served portions of Orange County. The County is <br />applying for two grants/loan programs; one for service to the Northern Human Service <br />Library and another application for up to four collocation of American Tower facilities. <br />Transportation Proiects <br />The Widening of Old Fayetteville Road (State Road 1107) in Carrboro by 0.5 miles in <br />Carrboro from N.C. 54 to McDougle Middle School will allow NCDOT to build a turning lane, <br />bicycle lanes and sidewalks along that section of roadway. <br />The $1.2 million contract was awarded to Atwell Construction Co. Inc. of Greenville. Work is <br />expected to begin as early as March 1, with final completion set for September 15, 2010. <br />This project was selected for economic recovery funding because: Pedestrians and <br />bicyclists frequently travel along this section of roadway. Adding sidewalks and bicycle <br />lanes will help enhance their safety while improving traffic flow for motorists; <br />The Town of Carrboro considers the project a priority; however, the department did not have <br />the funding to proceed with it for at least five more years. By using recovery money, <br />NCDOT avoids delays and can move forward with these important improvements; <br />The project was considered "shovel ready." <br />The traditionally funded projects in Orange County include: <br />• Replacing the existing bridge on St. Mary's Road (S.R. 1002) over Stroud's Creek <br />northeast of Hillsborough. The $653,032 contract was awarded to Dane Construction <br />Inc. of Mooresville. Work is scheduled to begin as early as March 1, with final <br />completion set for Dec. 31. The bridge was built in 1953 and has a sufficiency rating <br />of 40.5 out of 100. That does not mean the bridge is unsafe. It means that, after <br />studying a number of factors including bridge inspection results, traffic volumes and <br />