Orange County NC Website
17 <br />vi. Failure of the County to secure grant funds from the North Carolina <br />Department of Corrections Criminal Justice Partnership Program <br />for this Agreement. <br />b. In the event of default by the Provider, the county may elect to terminate this <br />Agreement, in whole or in part and/or require the Provider to repay the <br />funds within seven ('7) working days from written notice of default. The <br />County may (but shall not be required to) grant the Provider an opportunity <br />to cure the default without termination of this Agreement. This clause shall <br />not be interpreted to limit the County's remedies in law or in equity. <br />c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may terminate the agreement at <br />any time without penalty; provided that written notice of such termination is <br />furnished to the other party at least 30 days prior to termination. In the <br />event of such termination, any payment due shall be prorated to the date of <br />termination and any unused funds shall be returned to the County within 10 <br />days of termination. <br />d. Any termination of this Agreement for default under this section that is later <br />deemed to be unjustified shall be deemed a termination fox convenience. <br />6. Insurance. <br />a. General Requirements. the Provider shall purchase and maintain, during the <br />period of performance of this Agreement, insurance: <br />Worker's Compensation. For protection from claims under workers' <br />or workmen's compensation acts; <br />ii. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance covering claims arising <br />out of or relating to bodily injury, including bodily injury, sickness, <br />disease or death of any of the Consultant's employees or any other <br />person and to real and personal property including loss of use <br />resulting thereof; <br />iii. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including hired and <br />non-owned vehicles, if any, covering personal injury or death, and <br />property damage; and <br />iv. Professional Liability Insurance, covering personal injury, bodily <br />injury and property damage and claims arising out of or related to the <br />performance und