Orange County NC Website
15 <br />authorized in writing by the County prior to any expenditure of the funds by <br />the Provider. If the funds are expended not in accordance with the Scope of <br />Services, at the discretion of the County, the Provider may be required to <br />repay the funds to the County. <br />c. The County's obligation to make each payment is contingent upon monthly <br />receipt of program activity information to the Partnership and the Division <br />of Community Corrections as well as satisfactory progress toward <br />completion of performance as detailed in the attached Scope of Services. <br />d. FH agrees that monies to be paid by the County are contingent upon <br />receipt by the County of a Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP} <br />grant for these services from the North Carolina Department of Correction <br />Criminal Justice Partnership Program and the obligation of the County <br />under this contract is reduced, dollar for dollar, by the amount of any <br />reduction in the State grant. <br />e. The County agrees to reimburse FH for the operations costs and services <br />provided pursuant to this contract up to the amount of $ 160,000 for the <br />period beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011. <br />f. FH shall invoice the County by the 10~' business day of each month for <br />contract expenses paid in the previous calendar month. The County agrees <br />to reimburse FH for all reimbursable expenses invoiced by August 15, <br />2011. The invoice shall include fees for all services provided by FH, <br />including administrative fees. County shall pay FH by check within thirty <br />days. <br />g. In the event that FH expends any funds pursuant to this contract for the <br />provision of services to the intermediate offender population, and such <br />funds are subsequently determined by the North Carolina Department of <br />Corrections Criminal Justice Partnership Program to be non-reimbursable, <br />such costs shall be considered non-reimbursable by the County. <br />h. FH agrees that all payments made by the County on behalf of a member of <br />the intermediate offender population who is receiving services from FH <br />shall be credited towards the account of that offender. FH further agrees <br />that if a member of the intermediate offender population is eligible for <br />benefits from any private health benefits plan or other government- <br />sponsored health benefits plan, then FH shall only invoice the County for <br />that portion of the cost of services not reimbursed by such other health <br />benefits plan. <br />i. The County is not obligated to provide any other support to Provider in this <br />or in succeeding fiscal years. <br />4. Agenry Reporting. <br />Freedom House $ecovery Center <br />Orange County Agency Performance Agreement <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />