Orange County NC Website
Tethering Committee Report <br />INTRODUCTION <br />July 30a', 2007 <br />This is a report of the Orange County Tethering Committee, a committee created by the Board of <br />County Commissioners (BOCC) and charged with considering what changes, if any, should be <br />made in the County's animal ordinances with regard to tethering.1 <br />Tethering involves keeping dogs on tie -outs such as chains or ropes versus within a fenced structure <br />or inside the home. It is often defined in reference to a stationary object (for example, a dog chained <br />to a stake near a dog house) but may also be defined to include overhead trolley systems. Tethering <br />does not refer to walking a dog on a leash, but instead refers to dogs that are tied out as a primary, if <br />not exclusive, means of confinement. <br />Currently, Orange County's animal ordinances, which apply to the unincorporated parts of the <br />County and Hillsborough, allow tethering provided certain conditions are met. The Tethering <br />Committee is proposing that this ordinance be amended, and specifically recommending the <br />changes formulated in this report. <br />The remainder of this report will outline and explain the changes that the Tethering Committee is <br />recommending for Orange County's animal ordinances. It will. also provide information about the <br />work of the Committee, its findings, and the rationale for its specific recommendations. <br />' For background on the formation of the Tethering Committee and its charge from the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners, see Appendix I: Creation of the Orange County Tethering Committee and Board of County <br />Commissioners' Abstract for the Creation of the Tethering Committee. <br />W <br />13 <br />