Orange County NC Website
d3 <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Lori Hensley is a volunteer on the Coalition to Unchain Dogs and she said that <br />they build fences for owners of dogs that cannot afford them. The coalition also provides <br />free spay and neuter and vaccinations for the pets. She said that this type of ordinance <br />gives Animal Control another tool for enforcement. She said that most people want <br />better for their dogs, but they need to be shown that there is a better way to do things. <br />She read an email from the neighbor of a person who received a fence from the coalition <br />for a dog that was continuously chained in Chapel Hill. °I just have to tell you that your <br />civilizing Neptune has also civilized the entire family. Now whenever I stop by to see my <br />neighbor, Neptune is either sitting on the front porch with a family member, playing in the <br />house, or when he sees my car coming running down the stairs to greet and kiss me. <br />He even has his meals inside now and sleeps beside the bed. See how the beauty of <br />your work spreads to others. So much abuse and neglect are due to just plain <br />ignorance, are they not?" She said that this is not the only situation where the Coalition <br />has helped dogs. She asked the County Commissioners to approve the ordinance to <br />limit the chaining of dogs. <br />Henri McClees is a lobbyist for the North Carolina Sporting Dog Association, <br />which is a coalition of dog owners, dog breeders, and dog clubs. She said that the <br />membership's philosophy is that animals do not have rights, but people have rights and <br />responsibilities. They do not believe that this proposal meets the needs of the animals, <br />and they are certain that it does not meet the needs of the people. She said that it is a <br />bad idea, it is not needed, it is not fair, and it is bad public policy. She said that this <br />same concept was debated in a Senate committee in the legislature, but the bill never <br />got out of committee. She said that inhumane treatment of animals is already against <br />the law. She asked the County Commissioners to consider cautiously looking at this <br />from the attitude and the positions of the citizens. She questioned the assumption that <br />tethering is mistreatment of animals. <br />Jason Payne is a member of the Eno River Coon Hunters Association. He said <br />that he and his father have raised and trained dogs since he was 15 years old, and they <br />tether their dogs, but they also exercise them and take care of them. He is opposed to <br />this amendment because he does not believe that the descriptions in the amendment <br />would accomplish what people are trying to accomplish, which is better treatment of <br />animals. <br />Lamar Chapman lives in Orange County and said that he has numerous dogs <br />and most are not tethered. The ones that are tethered chew through a fence. He said <br />that he has been to all of the committee meetings and the committee is not listening to ` <br />the citizens of Orange County. He said that most of the people that are supporting this <br />ordinance are not from Orange County. He said that people are scared of speaking <br />tonight because of Animal Control coming to their property. He said that the people of <br />unincorporated Orange County are not even aware of.this proposal. He showed some <br />pictures that someone else had brought of dogs that were chained and the collars were <br />not embedded and the dogs were healthy. He suggested having another public <br />meeting. <br />George Painter is President of the Eno River Coon Hunters Association. He said <br />that this is a people problem, not a dog problem, and there needs to be education of dog <br />owners on the treatment of dogs. He said that a person that neglects an animal will <br />neglect it no matter if it is on a chain or in a kennel. He said that the County <br />Commissioners should spend more time and better time on other problems in the <br />County than passing more laws that will not help dogs or the animal control problems. <br />15 <br />