Minutes 02-02-2010
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-02-2010
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/9/2016 1:03:39 PM
Creation date
3/4/2010 1:26:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 3a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 3b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 3c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4f
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4g
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4h
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4i
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4j
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4k
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4l
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4m
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4n
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4o
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4p
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 4q
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 5a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 5b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6c
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6d
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 6e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 7a
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - 7b
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Information Item
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 02-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
ORD-2010-012 EMS Second Reading: Amendments to the EMS Franchise Agreement
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2010
ORD-2010-013 Partnership Academy (Alternative School) Orange County Schools Capital Project Ordinance
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2010
ORD-2010-014 Fire/Safety Upgrades Orange County Schools Capital Project Ordinance
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2010
ORD-2010-015 Bathroom Renovations Orange County Schools Capital Project Ordinance
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2010
Proclamation proclaiming February 2010 as Human Relations Month
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-002 Resolution approving Property Tax Release/Refunds
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-003 Resolution approving Property Tax Releases
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-004 Resolution approving Property Value Changes
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-005 Resolution approving Applications for Property Tax Exemption/Exclusion
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-006 Resolution Providing for the Appointment of a Special Board of Equalization and Review with Compromise Authority
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-007 Resolution Regarding Publication of Bond Order
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-008 Amendment to Bond Resolution adopted on 12-15-2009 approving Issuance General Obligation Bonds Refinance County Bonds Issued 2001 & 2003
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-009 Resolution Exercising Orange County's Statutory Right of First Refusal and Declining the Purchase of Board of Education Property
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
RES-2010-010 Resolution approving the No Fault Privately Owned Well Repair Concept, authorizing the development and implementing the policy for properties near landfill
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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plan on behalf of all three municipalities (excluding Mebane at this time) and the County due to <br /> the County's role owning the landfill and managing the recycling and waste reduction <br /> programs, and the Make Reports section of the Interlocal Agreement. The last plan submittal, <br /> for 2006, was essentially a descriptive placeholder type document, with solid waste planning <br /> activity continuing until the present through the efforts of the Solid Waste Plan Work Group. <br /> The Solid Waste Plan Work Group is made up of elected officials, staff and citizen <br /> members of the Solid Waste Advisory Board (SWAB) from all jurisdictions, and was instituted <br /> in 2005 to create a more cohesive planning process whose intention is to bring to the <br /> governing boards concepts and recommendations on a range of county-wide waste <br /> management issues. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that staff believes that the time has come to proceed toward <br /> completion of the latest version of the 3-year update of the 10-year plan by the Work Group, <br /> not only to meet the state's three year plan update objective, but also to provide guidance to <br /> County citizens and governments with regard to future direction of recycling and waste <br /> management in Orange County. While the planning is not yet complete, at some point a <br /> document must be completed and submitted, even if all issues are not fully developed. <br /> Additionally, he said the Board of Commissioners are looking for guidance with regard to <br /> current rural waste and recycling services, specifically the future role of solid waste <br /> convenience centers and a more sustainable funding source for the rural services provided <br /> through the convenience centers, which has been the subject of most recent Work Group <br /> deliberations. He said that staff is concerned with the ongoing and continuing nature of the <br /> Solid Waste planning efforts and the resulting delay and seeks to develop a 3-Year Plan <br /> Update and submit to the State at the earliest opportunity, addressing the remaining <br /> unresolved issues in the next 3-Year Update due in June 2012. <br /> It has been suggested to give all jurisdictions an update at the March Assembly of <br /> Governments Meeting. He said that the work group has supported strongly the 61% waste <br /> reduction goal, and they have recently been informed that the County's FY 2008-09 waste <br /> reduction is 54%. <br /> He said that the Work Group adopted some goals — page 6 — Solid Waste Planning <br /> Goals for Evaluation of Rural Waste Management Issues: The prioritization of goals to guide <br /> decision making with regard to unincorporated area waste issues was completed by the Work <br /> Group. The ranking has meeting the 61% diversion goal as receiving the strongest support <br /> resulting in a weighting of 28.9%. Safety is second at 18.7%; cost-effective operations third at <br /> 18.6%; sustainable funding system fourth at 15.2%; reduced environmental impact fifth at <br /> 12.6%; and cost equity last at 5.9%. Based on those priorities, an overarching principle for <br /> design and operation of the centers needs to support recycling and waste reduction while <br /> enabling users to minimize what is actually discarded. <br /> Neighborhood/District Network Option Solid Waste Convenience Centers (SWCC) <br /> He said that the Solid Waste Planning Work Group (Work Group) had been discussing Solid <br /> Waste Convenience Centers (SWCC) and other rural waste management issues due in part to <br /> the recent public interest in budget related service reduction recommendations. He said this <br /> update does not attempt to comprehensively describe the various alternatives and issues <br /> considered or discussed as this is a work in progress for the Work Group but only highlight a <br /> small portion of the Work Group's effort on the subject. This update will focus on summarizing <br /> the center upgrade options considered and the SWCC service scenario that scored/ranked <br /> highest on the Work Group's adopted program goals and weighting factors - the <br /> Neighborhood/District option for the future of SWCCs in Orange County. This was first <br /> introduced by Commissioner Jacobs and was one of five SWCC development scenarios <br />
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