Agenda - 03-02-2010 - 8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-02-2010 - 8a
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Last modified
2/26/2010 9:29:11 AM
Creation date
2/26/2010 9:29:07 AM
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Regular Meeting
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Minutes 03-02-2010
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14 <br />2. Chronic Disease Self-Management Courses have been held at the 2 senior centers in 2008 <br />and 2009. Diabetes education has continued to be offered quarterly throughout 08 and 09 years, <br />alternating between the 2 senior centers. In 2009, there has been a concentration on offering the <br />Living a Healthy Life, Chronic Disease Self-Management course, a program developed by <br />Stanford University Patient Education Research Center. In mid-2009, two Department on Aging <br />staff became certified trainers and offer the course quarterly during the year, alternating between <br />the Central Orange Senior Center, Hillsborough and the Seymour Center, Chapel Hill. Additional <br />self-management courses offered are: Diabetes Self-Management, a course offered in <br />collaboration with the OC Health Department, private providers and corporate entities (i.e. Kerr <br />Drug) and supported with funding from the K. B. Reynolds Foundation and the NC Dept. of <br />Health and Human Services Diabetes Branch and Arthritis Foundation Exercise Classes. <br />4. Wellness Activities: A large number of services are provided in the community for citizens to <br />help maintain health and contribute to aging in place. 35 health education programs/lectures <br />were offered throughout the county, at different sites in 2008-09. Examples include: "Ask the <br />...Health Care Professionals", 7 new exercise classes, hearing workshops, healthy cooking <br />demos, workshops for providers working with Clients with Parkinson's Disease workshops, and <br />a special forum on Discovering New Relationships in Mid and Later Life. <br />5. Fitness Activities: In 2008-09, 1958 exercise programs were offered with more than 23,046 <br />participants (duplicate number), provided by 19 contracted providers who delivered an <br />array of services that appealed to a wide variety of client interests and functional levels. <br />Examples of new classes are: Balance Class, Tai Chi -seated, Tai Chi for those with arthritis, <br />Belly Dance (Raks Sharki), and Stability Ball. <br />6. Walking for Health: The University Mall walking group has continued to grow, averaging 45 <br />walkers per monthly event and added an outdoor walking club at the Seymour Center in 2008. <br />The Central Orange Senior Center has promoted a walkers group with a weekly program led <br />by volunteers. <br />7. Functional Screening: More than 459 participants completed a free required physical <br />assessment functional screen to use the new fitness room at the Seymour Center and the <br />SportsPlex in 2008-09. Before beginning a fitness program, the screen provides valuable <br />personal information for health and safety on key functional elements- flexibility, balance, <br />agility, strength and endurance. Since the screen is part of a national study, each participant <br />receives comparable fitness data to other persons of the same age and gender. Part-time <br />personal trainers have been added to assist clients in the Fitness Studio at selected hours. <br />8. Heath Immunizations and Screenings: In 2007-08, One thousand nine hundred two (1902) <br />older adults participated (duplicate) in immunizations/screening programs. In addition, blood <br />pressure screenings occurred weekly at both Senior Centers. Volunteer nurses monitored an <br />average 10-15 people per week per site. Examples of screening areas include: vision, hearing, <br />glucose/cholesterol, flu shots, Fit Feet clinics, and massage therapy. "Ask the Pharmacist or <br />Nutritionist", dental hygienist services are also provided at nominal charge or no charge to <br />clients. Four hundred twenty-six (426) flu shots were administered on 5 different clinical dates <br />at two different locations. Monthly Foot Care Clinics served an average of 547 clients in <br />2008-09. (That's 5,470 toes O). <br />9. A Preventive Home Visit Pilot Program was conducted by Aging Transitions staff as part of a <br />National Institute on Aging grant to determine the feasibility of an occupational therapist <br />conducting community home visits to assess well seniors and make recommendations for <br />environmental and personal changes to maximize safe aging-in-place and reduce the need for <br />institutionalization. <br />12 <br />
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