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13 <br />Activities and Accomplishments: 2007-08 <br />1. New Facility for Wellness: The new 15,000 sq. ft. Central Orange Senior Center is in <br />construction and scheduled to open in early January, 2009. It will be co-located with the <br />county-owned SportsPlex and a partnership will be developed to expand wellness services <br />with the use of the pool, fitness studio, classes and ice rink for seniors. The announcement of <br />special senior fees will be in the Dec-Feb 2009 issue of Senior Times. <br />2. Wellness Activities: A large number of services are provided in the community for citizens <br />to help maintain health and contribute to aging in place. 62-health education <br />programs/lectures were offered throughout the county, at different sites in 2007-08. Examples <br />include: "Ask the ...Health Care Professionals", 7 new exercise classes, hearing workshops, <br />healthy cooking demos, Feldenkrais workshops and Aging 101 Series. <br />3. Fitness Activities: In 2007-08, 2629 individuals participated in fitness and exercise classes in <br />the past year (50% increase from 2006), provided by 17 contracted providers who delivered an <br />array of services that appealed to a wide variety of client interests and functional levels. <br />Examples of new classes are:, Inspired Movement, Boomer Yoga, Pilates, NIA, Balance Class, <br />Fit & Fun, Stretch & Tone, and Qi-Gong. <br />4. Walking for Health: The University Mall walking group has continued to grow, averaging 28 <br />walkers per monthly event and added an outdoor walking club at the Seymour Center in 2007. <br />The Central Orange Senior Center has promoted a walkers group with weekly program led by <br />volunteers. <br />5. Functional Screening: More than 350 participants completed a free required assessment <br />functional screen to use the new fitness room at the Seymour Center in 2007-08. Before <br />beginning a fitness program, the screen provides valuable personal information for health and <br />safety on key functional elements- flexibility, balance, agility, strength and physical <br />endurance. Since the screen is part of a national study, each participant receives comparable <br />fitness data to other persons of the same age and gender. Part-time personal trainers have <br />been added to assist clients in the Fitness Studio at selected hours. <br />6. Heath Immunizations and Screenings: In 2007-08, 2882 older adults participated (duplicate) <br />in immunizations/screening programs. In addition, blood pressure screenings occurred weekly <br />at both Senior Centers, and bimonthly at 2 Community Centers. Volunteer nurses monitored <br />an average 10-15 people per week per site. Examples of screening areas include: vision, <br />hearing, glucose/cholesterol, flu shots, "Fit Feet" clinics, and massage therapy. "Ask the <br />Pharmacist or Nutritionist", dental hygienist services are also provided at a nominal charge or <br />no charge to clients. 720 flu shots were administered on 9 different clinical dates at four <br />different locations. (150 more shots were administered than 2006). Monthly foot care clinics <br />served an average of 547 clients in 2007-08. (That's 5,470 toes O - up by 40 clients over <br />2006). <br />Activities and Accomplishments: 2008-09 <br />1. New Facility for Wellness: The new 15,000 sq. ft. Central Orange Senior Center opened in late <br />January 2009. Being co-located with the SportsPlex ,the Department on Aging's Wellness <br />Program developed a partnership to expand fitness services with a special senior use fee for the <br />pool, fitness studio, classes, and ice rink. The fee is comparable to Seymour Center's fitness <br />room charges. Each Senior Times issue promofes these special senior fees. Of the 339 <br />individuals who completed the physical function screening at the Central Orange. Senior Center in <br />2009, 293 joined the SportsPlex during the year. About 120 seniors were screened at the <br />Seymour Center during 2009 and about 100 joined the facility. <br />11 <br />