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12 <br />Activities and Accomplishments: 2007-08 <br />1. The CRC project will significantly improve the communication and cross training of health care <br />providers in the aging and disability fields. <br />2. Volunteers in the group respite demonstration program are being trained to recreate this <br />weekly caregiver respite program in their churches. <br />3. Three MSW students and one Johnston Intern are working at the Seymour Center this year. <br />The three MSW students are all participating in a program designed to create practitioners in <br />the field of aging. <br />4. The Mood, Memory and Mobility Clinic, (3M clinic) a model project funded under the UNC <br />Hospitals Futures Grant, is a joint Department on Aging and UNC program that provides a <br />multidisciplinary screening clinic that includes: medicine, pharmacy, occupational therapy, <br />physical therapy, and social work. This "3M Clinic", offered at the Seymour Center, provides a <br />user-friendly approach in dealing with inter-related aging issues for older adults and cutting- <br />edge training for future aging practitioners. <br />Activities and Accomplishments: 2008-09 <br />1. The 2-day Transitional Care meeting was held in Hillsborough under the facilitation of staff <br />from UNC Center for Aging Research and Educational Services (CARES). The community <br />identified three major areas of concern: a} Smoothing transitions from various levels of care, <br />especially home to hospital and hospital to home a) easy access to accurate information for <br />consumers and providers and c) Transportation. <br />2. A Transitions Performance Team was created as a result of the community meeting on <br />transitions. To date, approximately 70 health and social service providers and consumers in <br />the community have joined one or both of the Transitions Performance Team committees. One <br />committee focuses on patient advocacy at transitions at UNC Hospital and the other is working <br />on outreach and education to consumers and providers of community services. The <br />committees meet monthly. <br />3. Department on Aging serves as a training center for UNC students in: Social Work, <br />Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Recreation Therapy <br />and Nutrition. <br />Recommendation for 2010: <br />1. Continue as a training center in aging for college students. <br />2. Continue working in tandem with the CRC, Hospital Discharge Planning grant and the <br />Transitions subcommittees. <br />2. Focus: Well-Fit Older-Adults <br />Goal E: Well-Fit Older Population - To Improve and/or Maintain the Health and Well- <br />being of Orange County's Present and Future Well-Fit Older Adults. (Prevention focus) <br />Objective E-1: Provide preventive community-based services which assist older <br />adults in maintaining good health and to age in place. <br />Lead Organization(s): Department on Aging's Senior Centers' Wellness Program with <br />Public Recreation & Parks (Orange County, Carrboro and Chapel Hill), Triangle SportsPlex, <br />Health Dept. and UNC Wellness Center <br />10 <br />