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2 <br />In order to appropriately manage the process as directed by ordinance, the applicant must <br />submit "an application for franchise" (section 6.3). The Emergency Services Department is then <br />tasked with conducting an investigation of the information submitted by the applicant within 30 <br />days of receipt of the application and documents. Following the 30-day investigative period, <br />Emergency Services shall schedule a hearing before the Board to report the Department's <br />findings and submit a recommendation. <br />South Orange Rescue Squad has submitted all documents outlining its capabilities. Emergency <br />Services has conducted a review of the documents and worked with the applicant to complete <br />all necessary documentation. <br />Emergency Services has reviewed the overall emergency service delivery system to further <br />identify for the Board services that are necessary to assure the provision of adequate and <br />continuing ambulance services and to preserve, protect, and promote the public health, safety <br />and welfare. There are three major franchise types: Convalescent Transport Services, <br />Emergency Medical Services and Rescue Services. Each of these franchise types has <br />subcategories which a franchisee can perform subject to the operating agreement which will be <br />completed within 90 days of acceptance of this franchise ordinance. SORS has applied to <br />perform Basic Life Support ("BLS") Transport Services which include: Special Event <br />Emergency Medical Services coverage, BLS Supplemental "Surge Support", Emergency <br />Medical Technician Non-Transport, Regularly Scheduled BLS Services to augment the County <br />Services, and Fire and Large Incident Rehabilitation. In addition, SORS has applied to perform <br />the following Rescue Services: High Angle, Swift Water and Confined Space Rescue Services. <br />Emergency Services staff and the Staff Attorney met with the applicant on Monday, February <br />15, 2010 to review documents and discuss details of a potential Franchise Ordinance. The <br />Franchise Ordinance terms have been discussed with the applicant and are consistent with the <br />terms of An Ordinance Regulating Emergency Medical, First Responder and Rescue Service <br />and Granting of Franchise and Contracts to the Operators In the County of Orange and its' <br />amendments ("ES Franchise Ordinance"). The North Carolina General Statutes also provide <br />that the Board must "find that the franchise applicant is in compliance with Chapter 131 E, <br />Article 7" 2 prior to granting a franchise. <br />Based upon the submitted documentation and review, the Emergency Services Director <br />recommends the Board approve SORS application for both an emergency medical and rescue <br />services franchise with the subcategories to be determined later in an Operations Agreement, <br />which shall be entered into within 90 days of acceptance of this Franchise Ordinance by SORS. <br />The terms of this Franchise Ordinance would provide for a five year franchise for the following: <br />Emergency Services <br />Rescue Services <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Specific financial impacts of the proposed granting of franchise for <br />ambulance services by ordinance have not been fully determined. <br />z N.C. Gen. Stat. 153A-250(a). <br />