Orange County NC Website
92 <br />D Infoduction <br />REPORT ORGANIZATION <br />As is discussed earlier, this document is the Clarion team's initial evaluation of Annotated Outline Re OYt ~5 <br />~.. <br />Unified Development Ordinance update issues. It is primarily intended to crystallize <br />the most important goals or themes that need to be addressed in the new UDO. It $tCUCYUYe <br />also sets forth a proposed outline of the new UDO to achieve the goalslthemes • IntoducUon.' <br />identified in the Issues Summary. <br />This Annotated outline is organized into four main parts: Introduction, Issues • Issues Summary _ <br />Summary, Annotated Outline, and the Appendices. : 1., ~' _ '_~ <br />• ~Arinotated Outline <br />INTRODUCTION <br />This section contains two subsections: • .Appendices ;. <br />• Work Program and Schedule, outlines the work program and <br />schedule for the code update project, and <br />Organization of this Report, explains how this report is organized. <br />ISSUES SUMMARY <br />This portion of the report includes discussion of the primary goals for the code update based on the reconnaissance of the <br />town, review of applicable planning and regulatory documents, Clarion team members' interviews with stakeholders and <br />town staff about zoning and subdivision issues, and our independent review of the current zoning ordinance and subdivision <br />regulations. This Issues Summary identifies five major themes or goals for the project They are: <br />Make the code more customer-friendly, <br />SVeamline development review, <br />Modernize the zoning districts and uses, <br />Improve developmentquafity, and <br />• Encourage redevelopment in targeted areas that is consistentwith the town's planning and development goals. <br />ANNOTATED OUTLINE <br />The annotated outline section follows the issues summary. It provides town officials, Planning Board members, staff, and <br />citizens with a general understanding of the proposed struc[ure of the new code document if the themes and goals discussed <br />proposed structure of t e ne acode an d provides commentary expiator gothe pu poselland scope of each article and secdonhe <br />APPENDICES <br />Included in the Appendices are summaries of public input received to date, resulting from stakeholder meetings and from a <br />major community forum. <br />Page 2 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina <br />Unified Development Ordinance 1 Draft Annotated Outline <br />November, 2009 <br />