Agenda - 03-02-2010 - 4l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-02-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-02-2010 - 4l
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Last modified
2/26/2010 9:23:42 AM
Creation date
2/26/2010 9:18:26 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
2010-032 Planning - Professional Services Related to the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2010
2010-032b Planning - Contract Professional Services Related to Orange County Unified Development Ordinance
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Minutes 03-02-2010
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91 <br />tN.TRQDU.CTLON <br />WORK PROGRAM AND SCHEDULE <br />WORK PROGRAM <br />The Town of Hillsborough) retained Clarion <br />Associates,. a zoning. planning, and growth <br />- management consulting firm with offices in North <br />. Carolina, Florida, and Colorado to undertake <br />preparation of a'. new _. Unified Development <br />Ordinance for thetowd. <br />Estimated Project Schedule . <br />Annotated Outline <br />• Draft UDO <br />The work program for the Unified Development Public Review/Hearing <br />Ordinance project involves three main tasks. They <br />are: - ~ _ <br />Task 1: Projedlnitiation(completed); <br />Task 2: Annotated Outline (current task); <br />Task 3: Draft Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). <br />Task 1, Project Initiation and Scoping, is completed. It involved review and evaluation of the town's planning documents, <br />current zoning and subdivision regulations, and other relevant town documents; discussions with town staff, and interviews <br />with citizens, developers, and other stakeholders about goals for the project and what is and is not working with the existing <br />regulations: <br />This Annotated Outline is the product of Task 2. It reviews the community's goals and major themes that need to be <br />addressed in the code revision project, and options for achieving those goals. It serves as a basis to frame community <br />discussion about what structural/procedural and substantive changes need to be made during the UDO update project It is <br />intended to crystallize the most important themes or issues that need to be addressed. The Annotated Outline includes a <br />detailed outline of the new UDO if the goals or major themes identified in the Issues Summary are implemented in the new <br />code. It includes an article-by-article outline of the new Unified Development Ordinance and a textual explanation of the <br />purpose and nature of each article and section. After review and input on the Annotated Outline, the Clarion team will begin <br />drafting the Unified Development Ordinance inTask 3. <br />In Task 3 the new code document will be drafted and introduced to the public. The template for the new Unified <br />Development Ordinance will be consistent with the Annotated Outline and any other directions provided to the Clarion team <br />by the town. Task 3 involves the actual drafting of the new Unified Development Ordinance. The new ordinance is a <br />substantial re-organization of a majority of the town`s current zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations, along with the <br />addition of some new provisions. The template for the new ordinance will be consistent with the Annotated Outline portion <br />of this report and any other directions provided to the Clarion team by the town. <br />SCHEDULE <br />The Unified Development Ordinance project began in late summer of 2009, and is expected to be complete by mid-2010. <br />Task 1, Project Initiation, has been completed. This document, the Annotated Outline, is the work product produced in Task <br />2. It will be considered by the Planning Board, and Town Board of Commissioners in November 2009. The input received <br />during these meetings is used in the development of the new ordinance over the following six months. Following completion <br />of the draft of the Unified Development Ordinance, public hearings on the new ordinance will be conducted. <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina page 1 <br />Unified Development Ordinance 1 Draft Annotated Outline <br />November, 2009 <br />
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