Orange County NC Website
77 <br />SnaitTs, Jonathan T. -Resume <br />Dye Branch Stormwater Wetlands, Mooresville, NC. Extension Engineer in charge of design, <br />permitting, construction, and monitoring of an offline Stormwater wetland system. Project included three <br />Stormwater wetland cells installed in series to treat runoff from a fully developed 30 acre watershed. A <br />concrete pre-cast diversion shucture vas constructed to bypass larger flows to the existing stream system. <br />Design included morutoring stmchues and implementation of monitoring equipment to determine <br />pollutant load and removal characteristics. <br />Conversion of Abandoned Septic Tanks to Rooftop Runoff Cisterns, Holden Beach, NC. Extension <br />Engineer in charge of concept, design and implementation oversight of the conversion of abandoned <br />septic tank systems to stomrwater storage and treatment facilities. Project included demonstration and <br />monitoring to determine the feasibility of concept on a NC barrier island. Rooftop runoff was routed into <br />rivo abandoned septic tank systems for shoriterm storage and infiltration. A third system was constructed <br />to allow reuse of captured Stormwater for residential irrigation. Monitoring equipment was installed to <br />allow determination of long term runoff capture and irrigation use. <br />Development of Municipal Pilot Stormwater Retrofit BMP Monitoring Project, Charlotte, NC. <br />Extension Engineer in charge of coordinating with City and County Stormwater professionals to develop a <br />pilot BMP monitoring program. Developed stormwater monitoring guidance document. Identified <br />retrofit BMPs for monitoring efforts and provided guidance on proper monitoring techniques and <br />approaches. <br />Investigation on Effects of Stormwater BMPs on Stormwater Runoff Temperature, Western, NC. <br />Extension Engineer in charge of developing a research project determining the effects of BMPs on <br />Stormwater runoff temperature. Project purpose was to determine the impact of Stormwater wetlands, <br />bioretention and wetponds on reducing elevated runoff temperatures from hnpervious surfaces in <br />designated trout waters. Identified candidate BMPs for inclusion in study and prescribed monitoring <br />equipment for installation.. <br />Edenton Airport Wetland and Stream Restoration, State of North Carolina Division of Water <br />Quality, Edenton, NC. Extension Engineer Managing Restoration creation of over 900' of headwater <br />wetland stream system in a 30 acre watershed. Wetland/stream system was installed to treat runoff from <br />industrial park. Project involved design, construction and monitoring of created wetland/stream system as <br />well as monitoring of downstream restored riparian wetland. <br />Care Creels Agricultural BMP Project, State of North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Cove <br />City, NC. Extension Engineer responsible for monitoring of over 100 Controlled Drainage systems <br />installed in a 2000 acre Agricultural watershed near New Bern. Monitoring consisted of In-stream water <br />level recorders, automatic recording raingages and water quality sampling stations. Project objectives <br />were to determine impact of controlled drainage practices on water quality in a large agricultural <br />watershed. <br />CEFS Riparian Buffer and Controlled Drainage Study, Goldsboro, NC. Extension Engineer in <br />charge of implementation and instrumentation of over 7000 ft of riparian buffers in a Neuse River <br />tributary. Research objectives were to determine the effect of riparian buffers and controlled drainage on <br />groundwater and surface water quality. Buffers were installed adjacent to agricultural uses and consisted <br />of varying buffer widths and vegetation type. Buffers were intensively monitored with over 600 shallow <br />groundwater quality wells, 100 groundwater table monitoring wells, and 500 soil reduction-oxidation <br />probes. <br />Dnne Intlltrarion System, Kure Beach, NC. Extension Engineer assisting in the conceptual <br />development and construction design of a system to infiltrate small storm flows from an coastal urban <br />watershed from discharging directly into the Atlantic ocean. Design utilized a flow diversion weir and a <br />system of infiltration cells installed within the dune system. Provided guidance on the design and <br />