Orange County NC Website
75 <br />Smith, Jonathan T. -Resume <br />con~versionlwas conducted in order to oobtain a 401awater quality ertiftrca~ onrf omtthe NC iDWQ <br />wetlands unit for impacts to jurisdiet~ S of the pond and enhan ementrthrough the incorporation of a <br />included the enlargement and deep <br />vegetated littoral shelf. <br />Trash Guard Hydraulic Analysis, Traslr Guard, Inc., Raleigh, NC. Managed the development o a <br />largeastormwat r sol'tdse The c eRt equ ted hydraulc analysispreadsheet prepa at onto detemunem <br />steady flow hydraulic characteristics. <br />Players Club Bridge Replacement, Reserve Develop a e 1 canon fo~the modification of arroadr~ y <br />FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) PP hcation <br />resplacement of an existng culvert d road crossing wi B ~sft Pan Prefabricat dfbridge. ~Appded <br />preparation included incorporation of existing topographical survey in the effective FEMA hydrau c <br />to reduce impact on nearby properties and <br />model and iterative analysis of the proposed bridge geometry <br />structures. <br />St. James Hydra oca sesdtlren arises of flooding inea largaTP identiai developmoentt elated to hvoanaged <br />a hydraulics study Work included simulation of the storms of interest uydraulics C <br />flooding events in Brunswick County otting a HEC-RAS by <br />HMS model and incorporation of as-built survey data as required supp <br />model of the existing creeks, ponds, and roadways. Sensitivity anatysis was conducted on these hvo <br />writdten report was devetopedifromrthe resultstof the project to and p ov'dedgotthe lientuwithooding. A <br />recommendations of upgrades or replacements of road crossings and diversions. <br />St. James Drainage Improvements, Reserve Developmen' Nodh Ca oima. Be' g so loseato the <br />Plantation is located on the Atlantic Inter-coastal Waterway <br />coast, St. James Plantation needed to develop an emergency action plan for the management of drainage <br />as an perationeand mainte ante plan fo gma'mpaining structures soo hat capacity isnnot reducedla Also ell <br />provided design services to improve drainage structures identified as operating at less than desired <br />condition. <br />UNC Bell Tower Stormwater Management Services, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, Chape <br />h rvest system on the existing oampus of Un'rve~sity of North Car 1 na atgChapellH 11etThensystem <br />captures stormwater from a proposed Genome Sciences building with a rooftop of approximately 1 acre <br />and stores it in an underground cf ti I°, afe adjacent lands ape a~easca nearby adium athleticfi ld ando <br />to provide reliable water supply g <br />provide indoor toilet flushing water for the Genome Sciences building. rofessional services <br />St. James Main Entrance Storm Drainage, Town of St. James, NC. Provided p <br />in the development of a repair plan for the main site entrance to the Town of St. James. The repair <br />consisted of a Phase I for study, Phase II for design & construction drawing Preparation and Phase III for <br />construction administration. The noted problem areas were further investigated through fietd exploratron <br />draulic Analysis. Data was then <br />with the NCDOT, watershed delineation, and Hydrologic and Hy rovement and repair. Upon <br />evaluated and prioritized, and alternati n documents were prepared or use in bidding and construction by <br />selection of preferred alternative, desig <br />the client. <br />Charlotte Monitoring Standard Details, City of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. Managed project for Crty <br />of Charlotte to provide engineering servi~ 'Provided consulting and construction documents preparat on <br />pilot stormwater BMP monitoring progr <br />3 <br />